Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Holy shit I’m finally seeing this and it’s as bad as you all described. What the fuck is wrong with him.


CNN says that CDC completed 0 tests yesterday and combined public health laboratories completed 8.

Thank Christ for that. I thought that had to be a mistake.

Paging @suzzer99 for ChiefsPlanet reaction to all this.


CNN literally still saying all goods. But they are going off the documents the White House released, so not sure I trust trump on this yet.

I ain’t looking, but I predict “strongest president ever taking decisive action like a boss”.

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Hey, 8,000 tests isn’t terrible!

Hahaha, walk it back

Brother is a doctor (but not necessarily more knowledgeable about virus than us overall), he made a good point about Italy having a lot of old people, average age is 45 vs 38 for US. Think that and 1/6th population density of Italy will spare from being as bad (though still quite bad).

lol, amazing


I’m mostly in the regular forum thread, which is pretty reasonable. The deplorables are mostly past denial and into bargaining.

This guy just popped up in the OOT thread though:

Originally Posted by Playbig2000 View Post

This is a virus just like the flu which infects about 25 Million people in the United States each year (and a billion worldwide), with about 12,000 to 60,000 DEATHS each year and just like coronavirus, most of the deaths are the very old and very sick. About 80% of the people that get it have a mild case and recover without any hospitalization, and only about 1% die from it but the way this is being portrayed is like if you get it, your dead.
The NBA just Cancelled their season over this. It’s gonna get much worse and I’m not talking about the virus, I’m talking about the economy. The hysteria by the media is doing about a million more times more harm than the virus itself and people should start to wake up and educate themselves instead of listening to fake news and propaganda.

Of fucking course. And whatever, co-pays are what like $20 per visit? Wake me up when they wave deductibles.

Testing here still takes 5-6 days to get results, so even if we ramp up testing now, won’t see results from that for almost a week.

Seems like a good time to relaunch legal online poker. Good for social distancing.


For real though the left should be shouting the virtues of Universal Healthcare from the fucking rooftops for the next fucking month, including the Sanders campaign. Bernie needs to put out a PSA countering Trump’s useless border shutdowns and emphasizing how M4A could improve things now and forever.

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Almost everything trump said was wrong in a significant way.


This will be probably the best window imaginable to get M4A passed and the Dems are nominating Grandpa Joe. This really is the worst timeline.


How did Gobert get a test? Does he meet the CDC requirements of traveling abroad? How did the result come back so quickly?