Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Good thing we have strong borders between our 50 mostly country sized states.


I may go to Costco tomorrow morning just to behold the scene.


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I was going to go visit a friend in Munich while he was off doing that.

I need to call the airline to see if they’ll do a full refund now rather than a stupid credit. Not sure when we’re gonna use $2500 worth of airfare in the near future.

Did you scoff and sneer at her like she’s stupid or something? Because that’s the correct play. Who the hell under 60 doesn’t know lawnmower in orbit?

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This is the first time I’ve had actual fear about this because Trump is a fucking lunatic and could easily cause a new Great Depression with this button clicking approach to policy. Like not just insane and pointless policies like apparently shutting down some? all? cargo trade to Europe, but the sheer effect of the uncertainty this haphazard bullshit is going to have on markets.

Dow futures down nearly 5%.

Legit lmao…

I hope Gobert gets sent back to Italy.

Yup. For 5 years we have all warned about the danger of this dumbshit being President while the MAGA shitheads thought we were dumb because of the Dow Joans. Going to be a harsh reality to wake up to for the ones who actually manage to snap out of it. Something like this has the chance to do that.

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He could get charged with a crime if things really spiral.

What ever do you mean?


DOW 20k seems like a real possibility.


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The DJIA on election night 2016 was 18,333.

brb, looking up 1918 stock market graph

it went up 10%, of course it did


Prediction, the DJIA on election night 2020, if there is in fact an election night 2020, will be well below that number.

Sooo… next Friday?

might well be this friday lots of people just woke up with all these sports cancellations