Coronavirus (COVID-19)

A reasonable idea in theory, but I think it would just become a situation where both things are in both threads.


SA may have some leads.


Trump knows the virus can’t hear him when he ways we’re the best country in the world to defeat the virus right?

Soon enough we’re all going to have plenty of time to keep up with one megathread.


i’m hearing that billionaire libertarians and health care companies are mobilizing to address the US crisis, finally proving the benevolence and efficiency of private markets once and for all


I can’t disagree with Negreanu here.


If he survives theres no way he plays for any NBA team again, right? What a jackass.

I’m gonna go play poker tonight i think. Might not be able to again for a while.

I can’t believe Gobert’s body was the first to surrender to the virus.

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By the way, he did the thing with the mics two days ago. It’s almost impossible that he caught it that way. They played in Boston five days ago, where there’s an outbreak, and the median incubation period is five days. The fucker almost certainly caught it in Boston then touched every microphone like a jackass and invited the media.

As a former member of the sports media, rest assured, they are not as young or healthy as the players they cover. The asshole probably killed someone. Hope he gets sued.

The March Sumo tournament is still going strong, just sayin’.

I’m thinking he survives easy peasy and of course he plays again. Unless somehow he infected one of those technicians and they die. Then he should go to prison.

Not feeling so hot about my decision to play poker in Vegas last weekend :grimacing:


I have always sucked at the internet but I’m wicked stoked to post epic content on this forum!

There are no more carrots at the grocery store, I just punted my lawnmower to Saturn.

Accidentally drank some gasoline while siphoning fuel in to my 2012 Rav 4.

Was walking my dog (beagle) and hissed at someone that said good morning to me.

I dunno just practicing.


The touching the microphones seems irrelevant though. Would assume that enough virus was coming out of his mouth while talking to already infect them. Hand would only matter if he had coughed into it or licked it.

It’s the sunk cost fallacy. My husband is doing an alpine tour that has not yet cancelled and we already paid for. I think it could be negotiable, though, at this point. Italy has closed all of their ski areas, and if Switzerland/France follow suit, then they’ll HAVE to cancel.

I’m trying to talk him out of it now, mainly because even if we go and he does his thing, I’ll not be able to do any of the things I was planning on doing while he was off ski touring (like, anything other than sit in the hotel room)

I mean traveling to/from Europe while Donny starts locking up people coming here from there at the border seems insane to me.

And sadly I think I am only slightly exaggerating.

haute route?

This is Trump himself just clicking buttons. When people were like “wtf would happen with Trump at the helm in a real crisis”, we’re about to find out.


I know we like to lol at institutions, but honestly how the fuck does someone not come up with a better solution than this??