Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Welp today is the day everybody starts freaking out. I hope it’s not too late.

I had a client fly to Prague yesterday to shoot a job, she’s supposed to return next week. If anybody learns anything about how (if?) US citizens can fly back here from Europe, please post it - I’ll be researching and will do the same.

I would assume the other sports will cancel now as well. No choice. Unpaid college player getting exposed? $30 million dollar a year baseball players? Either end. Nfw

I say nothing by Saturday.

Transfer through Heathrow


Go to UK

fly to UK first then here?

That’s what I do when flying to/from Prague anyway.

Either that or Moscow

Going to be lots of travel to and from Canada. Wonder how Trudeau reacts.

So…what about travel TO Europe? also, if our return flights transfer through Heathrow, does that mean we’re good?

Not to mention 30 days is literally smack in the middle of our scheduled trip, so there might not even be a restriction when we come back.

fuck trump

Tom Hanks is in Australia and covid19 positive.



Futures down 800 now?

Thoughts on having two covid threads? One for hardcore news and prep discussion and another for sideline stuff like it’s effect on sports, concerts, trump being an idiot etc.

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Should be fine if you’re transferring in the UK.

Honestly, I’m surprised you’re still going. Shit’s gonna get a lot worse here before it gets better.


The way it was stated by our President was travel to Europe. Not sure he even said from Europe.

Touch 'em all supposed to be a baseball thang.

Gonna start another thread on things to do while in coronavirus lockdown.

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That fucking moron was trying to prove an illegitimate point about the virus. Now the NBA season has been cancelled because he actually has it.

I agree. The NBA is the start of the dam breaking. Everything is going to be cancelled tomorrow. Like just everything.

holy fuck