Coronavirus (COVID-19)

And instead of providing relief to people directly we are going to give more tax breaks to companies.

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It’s not an exaggeration to say that was the worst Presidential address in our lifetimes. He read it off the prompter like I used to mail in speeches in speech class hungover in college reading off my piece of paper.


Of course it’ll be more. It looks like it’s gonna fucking kill him!

Gobert has confirmed coronavirus btw.

Fucking idiot

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If we act fast we can get him back to France before the ban.

My uncle and aunt are at their winter place in Phoenix. Seems obvious they should be coming home to Canada early, no?

Gotta imagine thats it for the nba.

Trump sounds like I do. Hospital time caught up with me and I caught a cold. Haven’t gone out today. Oh well, maybe all the handwashing bought me time before I finally got sick. Or maybe I got it at Costco, lol.


UK obviously part of Oceania.

So the NBA season is over? Entire Jazz team and teams they played in last week and teams they all played in the last week and so on have to all be quarantined don’t they?

gg sportsball

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Are they flying or driving?


Woj just said nba season is suspended

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everything is happening

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Man I gotta say this thread has been fantastic and easily the best source for what is really happening I have found anywhere.


yeah its amazing. thanks all


I suppose it depends partly on how old they are. Reports are that the Trump administration overruled a CDC recommendation that the elderly and immunosuppressed not fly.

Futures market is just getting slaughtered since Trump’s speech.

No way the NFL Draft is gonna have a crowd, right?

Man, sporting events are gonna be so weird without a crowd. Like complete silence during NCAA tournament games would be surreal.