Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Now it’s real.

Pennacchio is not a good name for a journalist.


Most of the shit he’s proposing for the economy either won’t happen or won’t work. Banning travel from Europe when the disease itself came from China is absurd.

He seems to know next to nothing about how viruses spread. He mentioned nothing about making testing more available or providing guidelines that people should follow if they think they are ill.

There’s still a ton of information he did not include that people need if they suspect they have it.

Looks like Trump taking dramatic action is not a good thing. Good chance they don’t do anything to follow through though.

I really find it hard to believe cargo is included, it might be a typo from CNN or something, but I guess we’ll see. It goes without saying that banning travel from Europe is going to do exactly fuck all to help the situation in the US.

Barn doors firmly closed. MAGA!

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It’s obviously an economic pot shot at the EU in favor of the UK. Putin probably called it in himself.


Man, I do not regret my decision to socially isolate myself from the gaslighting idiocy that is this watching this. Godspeed to all of you providing updates.


MSNBC says:

The travel ban goes into effect Friday at midnight and will also include a ban on some cargo.

God knows what “some” means.

Next will be the well-known virus containment strategies of withdrawing from NATO and lifting Russian sanctions.


whatever makes trump businesses more money, so french wines is definitely one.

So there’s like at least a 5% chance Trump currently has coronavirus right? Like, that seems significant

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His death from this would almost make it all worth it.

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snapping the over after that performance

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I thought that first gasp was him holding in a cough. So did my wife.

Yeah. Has he ever looked or sounded that ill before?

He said something about cargo. It wasn’t very coherent.

But wait I have cracked the case. No fans at games. Who would want that? Jose Altuve and co that’s who. Noted molecular biologist Kate Upton cooked this in the lab setup in the old video room.

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More, and it’s not even close.

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So he didn’t say anything about testing or lockdowns or anything?

you know who else skips articles? Russians!