Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Oh yeah, I forgot I had a little hope.

I’ve decided the UK is in Asia now.

He called it the foreign virus almost at the start.


Dumb Canadian question. Is copay the part you pay when insured?

I mean he can’t unilaterally do half the stuff he mentioned (or can he?).

Futures tanked about 200 points in 30 seconds and still going.


tanking hard. holy shit

According to CNN this includes CARGO? That would be insane lol.

I seriously can’t get over how unhealthy he looked. He almost looks as bad as Czech Republic’s president.

He might have said something like “look at all the cargo”.

It’s a fee you pay at the time of service. You can still get billed for whatever portion the insurance company doesn’t pay later.

According to CNN:

“These prohibitions will not only apply to the tremendous amount of trade and cargo, but various other things as we get approval. Anything coming from Europe to the United States is what we are discussing. These restrictions will also not apply to the United Kingdom,” Trump added.

So it’s a lock nobody at CDC recommended the ban? It’s just Trumps people pushing buttons?

I need to stock up on more food.


How long before a ban on travel from Canada?

No way is he resurrecting the economy by excluding cargo.

Really, most stuff needed for products in America are made abroad or are from raw materials from abroad. That’s gonna fire prices through the roof as people begin to lose jobs.

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Of all the things you needed to do a European travel ban isn’t in the top 25. Also I thought this was a librul hoax.

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Might not be a bad idea…but then heading for the hills and bringing some potatoes to plant and some hunting and trapping gear might be more along the lines of what this calls for.