Coronavirus (COVID-19)

I’m certainly not saying it’s impossible to get it twice, it’s going to take time for our immune systems to figure it out. Just saying it would be bizarre if we got no immunity whatsoever.

Coworker’s brother was in Europe, 99% sure he has the virus due to symptoms over the last couple days. Evidently he got on the flight no problem this morning and is on his way back.

Looking forward to multiple different strands like influenza and immunologists guessing wrong on the vaccine every year

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“For those patients who have been cured, there is a likelihood of a relapse,” Zhan said in a briefing on January 31. “The antibody will be generated; however, in certain individuals, the antibody cannot last that long.”

Reinfections among patients in China have been reported as well.

Just moved all my cheese into circuit breakers


This is what I’m saying: people are producing antibodies, but we’re still a ways off from being totally immune. The vaccines should help.

Also, there seems to be some controversy around these patients who supposedly get it twice. Could be some misdagnoses going on.


Update from NYC:

My company is letting everyone work from home if they want to. I will be working from home for the foreseeable future. My wife, a professor at CUNY, was upset that CUNY wasn’t allowing remote teaching, but she went ahead and taught remotely on Tuesday. Yesterday Gov Cuomo decided all CUNY and SUNY schools will be switching to remote learning after taking a 5-day break for training. So she will be working from home too. We’re keeping our 3-year old son home from preschool. And we’ve been seriously considering keeping our 7-year old daughter out of her public school. We sent her to school today, but will be re-evaluating day by day.

Latest info this morning is 62 confirmed cases in the city.

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Trading halted.

Bitcoin is plummeting in a spectacular fashion.


What’s gold doing these days?

Well ya see, meow chow, bitcoin was really only a haven against hyper inflation.

Everyone’s immune system is different. But a mass infection like the one that we are currently undertaking should provide some protection against a second wave.

There are 4 other Corona virus that circulate among the general population that cause the common cold, after this one circulates a few times and mutates to a less severe version it might become just as benign as the other four.

The most successful virus are the ones that cause the least disruption to the host as to allow the host to keep spreading the disease.

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NYTimes lifting paywall on coronavirus content


You mean when people get terrified they run to the currency that’s backed by tanks, jets and nukes vs. the one that’s backed by public sentiment?



Gold down 3% today. Buy toilet paper and hand sanitizer.

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Apologies for the blurry pic as I was driving when I took it but I saw $1.45 gas yesterday. Apocalypse confirmed.


White rice to the moon.

Gold falling along with everything else is a really really bad sign.