Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Also you’re in California so add some cilantro - it’s the law.


11 posts were merged into an existing topic: Help Desk

I do try to wash my hands a reasonable number of times per day, but I don’t think I’ve ever used hand sanitizer.

You coronavirus preppers did make me decide to buy 10 cans of beans while they are 59 cents each.

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I appreciate that, but I’m quite alright and I feel like I’m pretty sane about this.

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I went to Costco this morning for my weekly trip where I get gas and grab 2-4 things that I can carry out of there, except instead of getting a rotisserie chicken, strawberries, and a box of snacks I got Lysol, terry cloth towels, and soap. I got there at 930 and nobody was there, walked in at 950 past the line of old people waiting for carts and was gone by 1005 and when I left the parking lot was almost completely full already like it was a weekend afternoon, yikes. They didn’t have wipes, hand sanitizer, etc but it seemed like they had most things though.

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Well I’ve just succeeded in scaring the crap out of my Mom. My work is done.


I was going to buy some Aleppo pepper the other day but read we shouldn’t buy it cause it comes from Syria. Been meaning to look into that more.

Yeah I had the coronavirus talk with my mom last night, she seemed pretty knowledgeable about it but was a little surprised that I wanted to have a “start preparing for quarantine” talk but thankfully it went well.

Yes, it’s from Syria. But I’m not sure if you shouldn’t buy it because of that - I mean I have no idea if that would be helping or hurting the right people. Maybe @microbet knows?

Who’s to know if Amazon is helping spread the Corona Virus, well I guess it will be out the box soon.

Ongoing news about the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) is understandably creating concern and, although the risk to the general public is low, we wanted to keep you current on the latest information. While there have been no reported cases on campus so far, I want to remind you of some standard health practices that can prevent the spread of COVID-19, such as:

  • Wash your hands frequently with soap and water or an alcohol-based hand sanitizer for at least 20 seconds

  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands

  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick and stay home if you are sick

  • Cover your cough or sneeze into your sleeve or a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash

There is currently no need to cancel classes or other events and we continue to closely coordinate with federal, state and local public health officials so that our campus remains fully prepared.

My work just sent this out.

Booooooooooo :grin:

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Brian Kemp (Georgia governor, you might remember him for his deplorable ads) just called a 10pm presser, he’ll have a bunch of public health officials with him.

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I don’t know if the pepper comes from Aleppo, but Aleppo, I believe, is currently controlled by the Assad led Syrian government. I don’t think that automatically means a boycott though. Boycotting rich people I think can work. Boycotting a population just because they have an authoritarian government just makes the population poorer and less able to change things. It makes holding power easier for a despot often imo. Now if the pepper is somehow a direct product of Assad’s family or something, that’s different.

So anyway, without knowing more, I’d buy the pepper, but I wouldn’t buy it on Amazon.


So obviously the US is severely underreporting the amount of cases (intentional or not). Even if enough tests were available, what is the point of actually going to the doctor and taking the test if you are not an intense case? Isn’t self isolation the better decision?

It definitely comes from Aleppo, if you get the real deal.

Spice House usually has it, and they ship any size order for free if you get the “flatpack” envelopes.

It would be good to know if you should even be in the same room with your aging parents or not for 2-3 weeks or whatever that you have mild symptoms.

A lot of people are constant caregivers to old people and it could be a real hardship to the recipient for their caregiver to isolate for 4 weeks or w/e.


To be clear this doesn’t contradict what either of us wrote. It prevents some strains and tends to make infections with other strains less severe. Basically the flu shot is great.

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Hats off to the guys who actually decided to name a product “Cougar Gold.”

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You are right. Assuming you don’t have to be with someone elderly the best option is simple isolation.