Coronavirus (COVID-19)

What are people doing with all these canned tomatoes?

Using them to make pasta.

$85 for two 8 oz. bottles. Good value!

1 item in your Saved Items has changed price.

Lol so much for no price gouging on Amazon. I was looking at these a week ago.

But it’s collectible!

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I heard on my commute home today that Amazon had removed 1 million items due to price gouging. Yes, they said 1 million because they said it twice. Is that possible?

Just search for hand sanitizer or face masks. There’s plenty more gougers still there. Although one of the hand sanitizers I was looking at wouldn’t go into the cart, despite clicking the Add to Cart button multiple times, refreshing, etc. Could be they’re doing some house cleaning. Eventual consistency ftmfw.

Report it to Amazon. They’re removing price-gouging listings like this one and banning the sellers.

FWIW I got my aloe vera gel from and my rubbing alcohol from Target.

Soups, stews, pasta sauce, pizza sauce, lentil dishes, etc.

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What’s the point of hand sanitizer? Wash your hands?

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Do you carry a sink in your pocket?


I wash my hands when I get home, before I eat, before I touch my face. I think you guys are overdoing it. I’m legit worried bout cuse, and not because of the virus.

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you’re like the arnold palmer of clean hands

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I would add some red pepper flakes, maybe Aleppo pepper. That shit works well in all recipes.


My mom is asking me about it. She has hypertension - which I didn’t know. Ugh. She’s also a FoxNews watcher so of course thinks everything’s fine. It’s just incredible the difference between this and when FoxNews was freaking everyone the fuck out over ebola.

One thing I think people have been saying is that it’s not transmitted in normal breath - only sputum from cough and sneeze, blowing nose, etc. Is this correct?

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You will certainly FEEL THE BERN!

Some of have jobs that make us high risk candidates. Even in a restroom the process is tricky unless everything is hands free.

Im normally an opponent of sanitizer, but times like this its really useful. Squirt and rub. Mission accomplished.