Coronavirus (COVID-19)

There better be some safe way to pick your nose during all this, 'cause I ain’t gonna stop.


Yeah but it’d also take out the poor and uninsured since they won’t be able to afford treatment

The poor won’t be able to stay home from work and the uninsured won’t be able to get treated, but the death rate is lower among young people. So more working poor will be infected, but more old people will die.

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After closely following this thread I have decided that for at least the next few months any trips I need to make out of the apartment will be in a state of immolation.

One can never be too careful so I shall also wear an N95.



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What I’ve discovered over the past several days is that it’s absolutely impossible to avoid touching stuff that tons of other people touch. And there were plenty of people at work today coughing without covering their mouth, coughing into their open hand, rubbing their eyes, sticking their fingers in their mouths, sharing pens to sign off on a group training form, etc. I probably caught it 3 times today.


I think what happens is that if you catch it once and then catch it again it gets canceled out. The key is just to make sure you touch virus-laden surfaces an even number of times in a day.


Please send your pony to the nearest pony disposal facility

Cougar gold is 100% worth not pooping for a week.

They ship it for those interested in conserving TP.

I can add a little second hand knowledge here. I work for a PPE supplier, we basically sell safety gear to utilities and logistics companies. We sell around 20k of the 3M FFP3 masks per year, and around 10k bottles of hand sanitiser. In the past month we’ve shifted 30k masks and 8k sanitisers, and would have doubled both figures of our own suppliers hadn’t dried up.

Our product specialist assures me the hand sanitiser is a great idea for preventing the spread of disease in general and corona specifically, and everyone ought to be using it at least 20 times a day. He also insists that the masks are close to 100% useless and is insanely frustrated that global supply is quickly being overwhelmed by imbeciles with more money than sense who are depriving industries who actually have a legit need for these things. Of course our 3M sales rep is loving life at the moment but is equally confused at the demand for the masks from people for whom they will have zero utility.

Just FYI


I bought all the hand sanitizer at my local pharmacy. 12 bottles. I ain’t proud!

My pharmacy was completely out of hand sanitizer thanks to I assume another Clovis-like creature


Everybody’s out of hand sanitizer so I bought a ton of aloe vera gel and rubbing alcohol! 2/3 alcohol + 1/3 gel, gonna make my own!

Lots of people doing this apparently, because places are starting to run out of rubbing alcohol…

I did feel bad but I was buying for my family and friends. Only two bottles of it will stay in my house.

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They were also out of masks and all nitrile and latex gloves

I ordered 120 bottles of the stuff for my office. People have been pretty positive about using them.

I went to a uni lecture last night, where we had a 5 minute discussion/warning about coronavirus, followed by shaking everyone’s hand and sitting at a desk without sanitizer for 3 hours.

I touch my face alot. It’s not good. Im bringing a big bottle of sanitizer to the lecture tonight. Who cares if i seem weird.

Also a fun anecdote for the WAAF crowd. I went to the toilet in work today and one of the warehouse lads was in there washing his hands. He gave me a knowing smile and said “got to wash our hands nowadays with this corona virus!”

So that was worrying.


ugh Clovis is exactly the kind of person I suspected wouldn’t wash his hands after pooping but would hoard hand sanitizer and I’m glad to find out my grasp on reality remains 100% steadfast and accurate.

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What in the fuck are you babbling about? Sorry I don’t live in a basement cut off from humanity but have actual family and friends to provide for.

It prevents the flu but only the strains that are in the shot, which are basically just best guesses as to which ones will be circulating that year.