Coronavirus (COVID-19)

I just bought one, thanks for the link @Sean. Mask was $30, filters were $10 a set… Seems pretty reasonable given the current situation, shipping was $19 ground (expected by 3/19) or $22 2-day, so I went for 2-day. I have a flight on ~3/21 or something like that, having a mask option seems important if I decide to fly. Also since it’s reusable and better than an n95, if I don’t need it (hopefully the case), I’ve got something in the closet for the next SARS coronavirus scare in a few years when we’re likely still woefully unprepared as a society.

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But coronavirus is carried in a droplet expelled by a cough or sneeze, and I think the mask just has to block that carrier.

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stolen from some kayaker in a FB group I’m in. Methodist of Sacramento.

At first I thought that was a methodist church in Sacramento and there was some crazy outbreak inside. Looks like it’s a hospital?

Yes, he works there and said they are setting up tents.

That’s smart. Prescreening people so you don’t have carriers walking around the hospital is good.

Precautionary or they are expecting cases today?

IDK. He just asked the group if kayaking was a valid source of self quarantining if they are setting up tents at his work.

Well that’s my Saturday night fecked:


In before scandal where they try to blame a bunch of corona deaths on flu so it doesn’t look so bad compared to the flu

omg why are some of you still obsessing over masks? The virus is NOT believed to be airborne, it is spread via respiratory droplets. Staying a few feet away from people is a bazillion times more effective than wearing a mask. A mask doesn’t do any good if somebody coughs in your eye. A mask doesn’t do any good if you touch a surface a carrier sneezed on yesterday and then pick your nose 4 hours later.


Does anyone know where I can get a good mask?


If I wash my hands really good and then use sanitizer, is it safe to pick my nose assuming I wash and sanitize again immediately after?


I understand all of that, but if there’s an outbreak in your city and you are going out like once a week for supplies, would you rather do it with an n95 mask (or better) or without? Obviously it’s essential to avoid touching your eyes, take the mask off carefully upon returning, wash your hands thoroughly upon returning and disinfect anything anyone else may have touched.

Ready. This will help with any toilet paper shortages as well.


Ignoring a disease that kills the old and spares the young is a bold move then. Let’s see how it plays out.

Wouldn’t a bandanna over your face work just as well for a lot cheaper? Plus reusable. Toss in a pair of $3 safety goggles and you’re a full fledged budget prepper.

If I feel compelled to wear some sort of mask it will be one of these so that all 3 primary entry points are protected from how the virus actually spreads.

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No, it wouldn’t block it out. Too porous.