Coronavirus (COVID-19)

One good reason is so that we can get reliable data on the real fatality rate.

What’s a leppo?


Were going to have to rely on proper countries for that data, like Korea, Japan and Europe.

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You never heard that Bowie tune?

Like a leppo messiah
When the kids had killed the man, I had to break up the band

My mom was in hysterics over me wanting to visit Mexico well after the swine flu had already been contained but now is meh over coronavirus saying no big deal. Of course her only source of info is Faux News.

It’s made at Washington State University, home of the Cougars. It’s been around for decades.

I’ve just been coughing into my shirt sleeve and then throwing the shirt in the trash. Had to buy 100 Hanes brand long sleeve shirts.


So where do people itt think the USA will lie when it shakes out in terms of mortality rates given government incompetence and terrible health insurance system.

Edit: I understand coronavirus treatment would be free but would 80% of America be aware of that?

Compared to places like Canada the UK and Australia the US will almost certainly have higher infection and death rates.

Coronavirus treatment will be free? Why would that be the case?

Roughly in line with Europe maybe a little higher, in actual rate. It’ll look worse because we’ll have way more underreporting.

Why will it be free?

Treatment is always free when you don’t go to the doctor. USA USA

Considering the complete lack of preparation here, and the misinformation campaign, our infection rate will almost certainly be significantly higher than other western countries. Given that people tend to avoid going to the doctors and try to tough it out to avoid getting hit with a big bill, our death rates will probably be higher too. Considering that the misinformation campaign is being mainlined to old people, it could be especially higher.

I have no idea how to estimate it, though.

I’m sure I read that in this thread above. I am not American so I don’t know for sure.

Fucking cdc man. This thing has been roaming around western Washington since at least the first confirmed case. I’ve had multiple patients who have been flu negative with all the symptoms of covid-19. Multiple lobe pneumonia, ground glass on ct scan, low grade fever, no known source. All of these patients should have been tested, but the cdc wouldn’t let them be unless they traveled to a high risk area. I’m waiting for one of them to test positive, then my ass will be in quarantine lol.

China gave us over a month to prepare for this and we shit the bed. If this disease had arisen in a major American city rather than the other side of the world we would have been well and truly fucked. As it is I wouldn’t be surprised if there is 50-100 people who are or have been sick for every one who has been confirmed right now.

We still don’t have point of care rapid tests for this. We have to send it to the state lab.


Will we have stats on infection and death rates for US vs Canada in time for them to be weaponized for the November election? Democrats can’t let the Trump administration bury these numbers.

hey good for china, they have eye of the tiger, they’re going to win this. we’re fucked tho

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yeah it looks staged but they’re ready lol don’t fuck around while your forehead’s hot