Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Yeah. It’s been circulating for a few days.

Same reason as this

Two new cases in Georgia, one was recently in Italy the other is a family member. No word on what airports they flew through, or how many hundreds/thousands of people they could have come into contact with through their travel back to the US.

Just pure panic.

Nah man, you’re confusing Bowie with classic Metallica:

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Spineless from the start
Sucked into the part
Virus comes to town
Pence plays the lead clown
Please, please, spreading his disease
Living by his story
Knees, knees, falling to your knees
Suffer for his glory
You will


I thought it was a scene from Train to Busan.

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@Rivaldo we speak your name

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The best part for me was the guy whose only job was to man the spike strip.

Made my first panic buy: liquid soap. Masks are gone, couldn’t find sanitizer section, rubbing alcohol still available.

Welcome Will1530. Are you donkey porn wil?


I expect there’s a story there that I missed, but no I’m not. Been reading here for a while though.


Welcome and I look forward to more of your posts.


I hope all these Fox news hosts get the virus. I mean, it might all be worth it if Hannity succumbs to it after saying its a hoax…

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I have a big aloe plant I’ve been cultivating for a few years, guess that’s finally paying off


Not unless you find some rubbing alcohol.

This is even worse than I thought. Every health worker is pleading with the Florida Department of Health to test this woman, she just got back from N. Italy, and they’re refusing.

These fuckers are turning a disease outbreak into a partisan cover-up. They’re going to pretend 1000s of deaths aren’t from this thing, and in red states they might get away with it.


It’s not just that. She first got sick before the flight home and nobody is even checking who she came in contact with, including the flight. We’re just lucky they publicized which flight she was on.

It’s like they’ve just actively decided to let it spread, or that they can’t stop it. And red states may even be trying to mislabel as much of it as they can.

“…it will almost certainly kill far far fewer people this year than the flu.” Are experts are making similar statements?