Coronavirus (COVID-19)


A guy got a $1300 hospital bill (before the doctors even bill him so it’ll rise) for getting a flu test to be sure he didn’t have corona.

And his insurance company is making him give 3 years documentation that the flu wasn’t a preexisting condition.

Lolololol at free to get treated for corona. If you get it and need to go to hospital for treatment, you will be maxing your deductible and out of pocket max assuming you have insurance. If you don’t have insurance or bought a junk plan that trump rammed through then you will need to file bankruptcy or have your wages garnished.

Lol at free; what do you think we are, a first world country?


Shit; I’ve been procrastinating stocking up at the store; planned to go tomorrow, but now that it’s in Atlanta the shelves are prolly all empty.

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Lol free. This is America. Get ready to die and have the hospital sue your corpse.


Yes in hindsight that was too abstract and hopeful a comment for the mighty American healthcare system.

The actual test is free. The time you spend in the hospital before, during and after the test is about $100/minute - billed conveniently by about a dozen separate entities.

That really is existentially depressing. Australian healthcare sucks imo but I still get my hernias removed for $600 out of pocket. Just have to wait fifteen months!

Dying of coronavirus to own the libs.

Is donkey porn wil the same as dumbass salary bet wil?

No. I think I knew of 3 wills on 2p2. I think dumbass will was just “will” or “wil”? And there were two others like “wil1350” or the one here now I think and “wil22655” or something like that? I don’t remember. Btw, who were you?

The bad news is that millions of Americans will be maxing out their deductible and out of pocket maximums due to coronavirus. The terrible news is that tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, are going to die.

The silver lining for those that survive unscathed or with only financial pain is that the will to get single payer may finally be there.

I wonder what the actual number of infected in Seattle really is?



Everyone who made fun of @j8i3h289dn3x7 in this thread the last few weeks owes him an apology. I still think the nuclear war part was a bit crazy, but otherwise he was on point. This thing is shaping up to be catastrophic, and our government is dropping the ball in stunning fashion.


It’s cool we’re gonna be fine I overheard the expo at my restaurant, the person who touches every plate that leaves the kitchen, say tonight “its the same fucking thing as the flu!” while laughing like a total smart ass at one point when I walked past the kitchen. Seriously though maybe I can get a job tossing a net around some dudes head at a checkpoint after we get shut down? That could be a fun job.

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House Democrats should create a Select Committee on Coronavirus and subpoena the scientists, doctors, and career workers who Trump and Pence are muzzling through this structure that prioritizes their partisan political exposure.

Have a hearing each day from 4p-5p and rotate through the different leaders so they each come in once every week or two. Allow them to do so via video conferencing for minimal disruption of their work.

We the people deserve to know what’s actually going on.

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The lack of testing is a scandal. The last official count was under 500 that they publicized.

How can we claim to know how many are infected when nobody is tested?

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