Coronavirus (COVID-19)

I mean it’s like literally what’s going on. They’re avoiding testing due to either incompetence or for political reasons, and they’re covering up the lack of testing by not publishing the numbers through CDC anymore to cover up the lack of testing.

Every decision they are making is prioritizing re-election first, the stock market second and the health of the American people is mostly irrelevant.


Yeah but there were stories of people chatting up quarantined neighbors over balconies. Also crew were walking all over the ship amongst the sick and not sick.

They did a pretty poor job of managing it from the accounts I have seen.

I go to a fitness class most days in Long Beach. The class involves rotation among treadmill, rower, and floor/dumbbells. There are two alcohol wipe dispensers, and people wipe down machines when we rotate stations.

Today the instructor placed extra emphasis on wiping down “any equipment or dumbbells you’ve used.” No one’s mentioned coronavirus, but it’s obviously in the background.

No one in class coughed today that I noticed. A few weeks ago I had some bug and was coughing mildly every 5 minutes or so, as were some others. I figure I’m gonna get this thing. (BTW, attendance is up over last month and most classes are full. It was lower in Nov-Jan. Maybe people are anticipating summer.)

Went for a physical on Friday and got flu, pneumonia, and hep B vaccines, so I got that going for me. (Don’t know if pneumonia vaccine will help, but suspect it would given that most fatalities, I believe, are from pneumonia. Assume flu vaccine won’t help, but could maybe help avoid double infection.)

This is a pretty great summary of the lack of testing in the US. Scandal is definitely the right word. Although the death rate being in the 0.2-0.4% range would be encouraging.

It’s just like flu in that Trump doesn’t know anything about it.

“over balconies” they put on nice clothes and drank together and played card games every night!

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We’re all going to fucking die

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This has been a great time for me to have had a nagging cold for over a week.

500, really? We’ve tested almost 1000 in Norway, with 5 mill inhabitants!

Not news.

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Norway > Sweden as always, we’re up to 32! Take that!


Just refusing to test people and continuing to conflate Coronavirus with the flu is Trumpian moron genious at it’s finest. And it will probably work.


Dude there’s going to be 100-200k dead old people by election day. Both the candidates are drawing super live to be among them. I kinda hope Trump sucks out here honestly. The alternative is a lot of human suffering.

Once hospitals are completely overrun and enough people have family dropping dead the country will wake up or else descend into anarchy.

CR with 2 new cases, bringing the total to 5.

One is the girlfriend of one of the original three cases. The other lives in the same town as one of the other original three.

Interior minister here is considering declaring a state of emergency.

I have a $100 bet on Trump making it through his first term. The guy really thought Trump would be impeached and removed from office. I knew that was a lock not to happen, so I generously threw in Trump dying as a win for him, too. I love the action.


It’s mindboggling to me that some people are in full-on virus movie hazmat quarantine - while others are being told they can’t get tested, or yeah you’ve probably got the disease, please self-quarantine - here’s some masks.

I would be so pissed if I was one of these guys still locked up on a military base.

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He will just say it’s a really bad flu season at that point. He is already working on that disinformation campaign now.

Do you know what could cure the coronavirus? Tax cuts for billionaires.