Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Literal truth. Trump as a poker player is Matusow full stop, right down to the table mannerisms

I used to be a “rarely wash after peeing” (always washed after shits) person because I assumed my dick was pretty clean, being inside my pants and protected from the outside world and all. But no joke, after getting the flu I now wash every single time, not because I think my dick is dirty, but because I’m already in a bathroom and might as well take the opportunity to wash my hands, and being sick fucking sucks.

Wash your damn hands.

Gonna tank the market even further

I don’t think anybody got this in 2010 (thread), any love in 2020?



He was dumb, did a ton of drugs, then completely spiraled when he lost to Hamilton. Feel kind of bad for the guy, but he’s always been a bad person.

Not sure who has more bankruptcies tbh.

I couldn’t find The Onion video with the government official saying “wash your fucking hands… with soap!” So here’s a PSA instead.

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Hot air hand dryers tho

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Oh wow. Guess I’ve never washed my hands in my life.


95% confidence interval is eitjer 0.9% to 4% or 0.8% to 3.2% depending on how long it stays detectable in the patient, which we still don’t know. We also don’t know how many infected aren’t going to hospital at all. It’ll be a while before we get enough numbers to tell more precisely. So according to them, right now, if a million people catch it its as likely that 40k die as 9k.

Their bayesian models are wildly different, with 95% credible intervals from like 11% to 85%,or something. This part needs more work or more data to be useful imo.

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Have fun with the weevils.


I let some rice sit for a couple months. Went to finish it off. Why is my rice moving around? Am I tripping and don’t know it?

Don’t worry I’m sure a damp basement is the best place to stave them off.

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In life we often have to choose the lesser of two weevils


I wonder how much of this might be different in different cultures. The Swedes like to stand 10’ apart and it’s cold. They may come out unscathed. The Italians would probably rather die than not kiss each other on the cheek.

In Argentina they all drink this tea thing with a straw and share the damn straw. At least our guide in Patagonia did.

Apparently over 86 degrees F is also bad for cold and flu on surfaces - which may help in hot poor places w/o AC.

Is it weird that I find this video kinda hot?


Sounds a lot like my order. Rice, quinoa, chickpea pasta, pasta sauce, canned tomatoes, beans, rice and bean packets, and some frozen stuff… Tons of paper towels and toilet paper, huge things of hand sanitizer, soap, etc.

Also felt weird, but, whatever. Almost all of it is stuff I’d eat/use within a few months anyway.

Then go open the door, touching a surface that everyone who didn’t wash their hands also touched, and congrats, WAAF. It drives me nuts. All bathroom doors should open OUT with NO handle, they should be the ones you can kick open with a foot or just lean against with a shoulder.

What’s the WHO want her to do about that? Stand there as long as it takes for someone to open it on the way in? lol

Open it with a paper towel, assuming there is a dispenser and not one of those blowers.

Use the paper towel you dried your hand with. Some bathrooms now have motion detector to open doors, or no doors.

Instead of using public restrooms at all just pee yourself, it works every time


My pony was washing up.