Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Sounds a lot like my order. Rice, quinoa, chickpea pasta, pasta sauce, canned tomatoes, beans, rice and bean packets, and some frozen stuff… Tons of paper towels and toilet paper, huge things of hand sanitizer, soap, etc.

Also felt weird, but, whatever. Almost all of it is stuff I’d eat/use within a few months anyway.

Then go open the door, touching a surface that everyone who didn’t wash their hands also touched, and congrats, WAAF. It drives me nuts. All bathroom doors should open OUT with NO handle, they should be the ones you can kick open with a foot or just lean against with a shoulder.

What’s the WHO want her to do about that? Stand there as long as it takes for someone to open it on the way in? lol

Open it with a paper towel, assuming there is a dispenser and not one of those blowers.

Use the paper towel you dried your hand with. Some bathrooms now have motion detector to open doors, or no doors.

Instead of using public restrooms at all just pee yourself, it works every time


My pony was washing up.

I think temperature is, a big factor with weevils. Had a problem with them periodically in California but never once in England.

Yerba or mate (pron mahtey)

Everyone here drinks it as you described. Also lots of face kissing to say hi/bye

This works, assuming there are paper towels and assuming there’s a trash can near the door - otherwise I’m now walking around with an infected paper towel looking for a trash can to throw some coronavirus in.

Your pony was expecting a motion detector door, but it was just a regular door.

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You could also use tp. Or follow your trip to the bathroom with an application of sanitizer. After 4 months of daily use of hospital bathrooms I have yet to get sick. And my pony and I have seen some nasty shit.

All those Hokies with their faces in their hands Wednesday night should get tested.


Any area generating this much interest in the WHO and the doors sounds like a perfect breeding ground for a retrovirus.



I’ll say hi to bowens for everyone.

Have fun with that.

Does it feel like the CDC wants to get this thing going just to get it over with?

I mean this is the one time conspiracy theories make a lot of sense. Because we know damn well everything they’re telling us has little relation to what they’re actually doing or want to happen. It’s the nature of these situations.

I didn’t realise you have such a high threshold for actually giving a fuck about Africans.

What is your theory here? What who is telling us has little relation?

I think the CDC is probably understaffed, underfunded and getting shitty directions from the Trump administration. I think they had a severe lack of testing kits and a general lack of preparation due to a year or two of being underfunded, etc.

It seems very odd they’d want it to spread now rather than later, given that the warm weather on the horizon may be hugely beneficial.

Unless your contention is that they’re getting directives from above out of political motives, but then I think we’d see some whistleblowing.

That only leaves the entire organization being part of some conspiracy, which I’m not buying.

I think Trump’s incompetence/stupidity/hubris left them metaphorically blindfolded with one arm tied behind their back, and now he’s running disinformation campaigns to protect himself politically, which adds to their problems.

I just realized something. If we don’t get enough test kits and/or the feds don’t distribute them, we’ll never know how many Americans actually died from coronavirus. The cause of death will be like pneumonia or general virus complications. Scientists and journalists will be able to estimate it based on averages but Trump will cry fake news.

By not testing anyone he can cover up how bad it actually is to a degree or slow down the trickle of information. This is what authoritarian regimes do and I think they’re going to try. It’s also similar to the way they slow walked and lied about how many people died in Puerto Rico from Maria. By the time estimates were made via data, it was no longer politically relevant and half the country didn’t trust the news.

  1. Cut funding to fight pandemics.
  2. Get caught asleep at the wheel.
  3. Block/restrict test kits and don’t test anyone who’s died.
  4. Claim estimated death tolls are fake news, coronavirus is flu, the media and radical Dems are lying about your favorite president.
  5. Oops somehow all the ICE detention centers are coronavirus hotbeds.

If you want a conspiracy theory, there it is.


I think others here have questioned the idea that warm weather will have a mitigating effect. Here is some more specific info from the story linked in the tweet.

And if you’ve heard rumors that the coming heat of spring and summer will reduce the risk, unfortunately, two virologists I chatted with said otherwise. “I am highly skeptical of the ‘viruses don’t do well in heat’ thing,” Angela Rasmussen, Ph.D., a virologist at Columbia University who has published research on coronaviruses, tells SELF, adding that MERS-CoV (a coronavirus that caused an epidemic, or increase in disease in one area) emerged in the Middle East between April and September 2012. Jason Kindrachuk, Ph.D., a virologist at the University of Manitoba in Canada, made a similar point, telling SELF, “If we think about the various highly pathogenic avian influenza strains that have emerged out of China and Southeast Asia…it’s hard to argue that the change in weather will have a dramatic effect on transmission patterns and virus viability.

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Dude you were here for an afternoon. I’m here every day :((

My symptoms are getting way worse since I read this article 5 minutes ago.