Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Dow futures down 500 points (2%) so far tonight.

More like Down Jwnzed amirite?


Well guys, I may be the first to leave you all. Just found out my wife’s boss is self quarantined as he’s Italian and has visitors from one of the regions affected staying at the moment. All well and good, but this fucker decided to start his quarantine yesterday afternoon after having sat next to my wife in a meeting all morning.


RIP in peace.

How long had he known the region was affected before the meeting? And how long have they been staying with him?

Unless its fairly recently it’s likely they got left before there was a chance they got infected.

I don’t know much detail, but the Italian outbreak has been big news since well before yesterday morning and I don’t think the regions shifted appreciably yesterday. It’s true they may have been there for a while, and is obviously what I’m hoping—though I think it’s clear we’re looking at it spreading generally at some point soon in any case, and with the avg 14 day wait to show symptoms then doesn’t that mean the virus could have been spreading fairly freely in the most affected areas for weeks now?

E2A - I should say for balance that my wife seems fairly unconcerned by all this, I learnt it via an aside in a group message with friends about childrens fancy dress costumes.

Don’t trust your lying eyes tends to stop working when your friends and family members start dying of pneumonia.


I wonder what the record is for shortest time from S&P record high to bear market? Because I think we might beat it.

You should get her posting itt.

Also, I conclude she’s not American. DUCY?

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Ugh gl to you and your wife. Hopefully it’s just a scare and his guests didn’t bring the virus with them.

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I think the average incubation period is currently estimated at around 5 days with almost all showing symptoms within 14.

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God forbid!

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This is exactly what I meant when I said we were going to use the Iranian strategy.

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Prague is (so far) pretty well-shielded from the coronavirus. It’s hundreds of miles away from any reported case as of this post. It’s probably the combination of the Czech government banning direct flights from China to the CR nearly a month ago and the Chinese diaspora in the CR being only 8,000 people.

But man would it suck for the coronavirus to come here. Racism here is bad enough as it is.

5th death from the Princess Diamond cruise ship. With 705 confirmed cases that puts the fatality rate at 0.71% so far. There were 3711 passengers and crew so 0.13% of them have died. 35 still listed as serious or critical so the number of dead is likely to rise and only 10 listed as recovered.

I know the passengers are probably mostly older on average (the age of the crew is probably on the younger side I think?) but still the numbers look bad.

I copied in a chart of all the age brackets on the ship into this thread a couple of ago.


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My gf’s best friend who lives in London had to cancel a weekend getaway for her birthday to Milan because I don’t have to complete this sentence.

Thanks. They are for sure going to get some interesting data from that cruise ship when all is said and done.

Nobody is trolling for giggles. If you’re truly unconcerned you are probably not fully aware of the current information available.