Coronavirus (COVID-19)


This is a weird tweet as the two things have nothing to do with each other.

You wash your hands because you touch surfaces touched by other people not because you touch your penis.

Anecdotally, Id estimate that around 60% of guys don’t wash their hands after using the restroom in the US

No, you wash your hands after you touch your penis or butt because you will then touch surfaces and you could then make someone else sick.

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Also. It’s just generally a good reason to wash your hands regularly. If you aren’t washing after the bathroom, you probably aren’t washing much at all.


Yeah, no. This has the potential to be much worse than malaria in the countries currently suffering from malaria. DUCY?

Wash your hands you filthy animals. And use the kick plates ffs.


Obviously but my point is that has nothing to do with cornovirus.

The tweet is conflating two unrelated things.

Not really. They are going to spread disease to other people after they pee and poop all over their hands in the bathroom. (dunno if coronavirus spreads that way - probably doesn’t)

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Narrator: reports say it does

Probably does:

In this new paper from the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, researchers managed to isolate live virus from stool samples of Covid-19 patients. And they’re not the first to find the virus in stool.

As with norovirus, this means the disease could be passed around when there’s less than optimal hygiene. “If true, it would not be surprising,” Morse said. “A number of other coronavirus are excreted from the intestines, and infectious virus can be found in stool.”

In the case of SARS, there’s a study here where they tested samples from SARS patients at various stages of the illness; overall 28% of feces were positive and 45% of “nasopharyngeal aspirates”, snot, basically, were positive. However at the peak of 9-14 days into illness, 70% of fecal samples were positive.

I’d say Rugby is probably correct though that it’s as much about regular handwashing as it is about washing after going to the toilet specifically, unless you are going to pretend that your hands never contact your nasal secretions when you have a cold.

Edit: Obviously you also wash your hands to avoid acquiring the infection, but given the long incubation time and chance of asymptomatic infection, it’s also a means to avoid passing it to others.

Somewhat of a hearsay or speculation, but one of the Principle Investigator at UC Davis told its postdoc researcher to prepare for a campus shutdown soon.

It’s official, Tokyo Disney and Tokyo DisneySea have closed: BREAKING: Tokyo Disney Resort Closed Until March 15th Due to Coronavirus Outbreak - WDW News Today

Imperial College London estimates the fatality rate at about 1%.

This is a PDF but I’m pretty sure it’s safe:

Or you can go to the web page and look for report #4.

Any of our residents scientists willing to take a look and see if this seems sound?



Matusow is quintessentially trumpkin.


It’s not. If you’re a filthy animal who doesn’t wash their hands regularly after using the bathroom, then you’re not going to get into the habit of washing your hands all the time to avoid the virus.

Gd dirty euros

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So I went out tonight and got rice, beans, lentils, canned tomatoes, cartons of broth, potatoes, carrots, and flour plus a giant package of TP and a few bottles of hand sanitizer. I felt kind of weird doing it, but oh well.