Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Holy shit. You gotta watch the video in this thread.

Oh yeah, for sure

Everyone forgets indirect deaths. You think if a country like Haiti gets it and 60 percent of their populace is sick with 20 percent of that number requiring hospitalization that the country doesn’t collapse? People will starve. People will die of other stuff as health care systems break down.

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Keeed will be along to defend TOUGH DECISIONS whether to send unprotected workers to greet them and then not quarantine the workers.


On my drive home today there was an infectious disease specialist on the radio from Tufts Medical Center and she actually gave me some hope. She said that the mortality rate for these things is often estimated as significantly higher than the reality once they have a lot more data. In one example, early mortality rate for something was estimated as north of 20% and ended up being less than 1%. She said this thing could still have a mortality rate similar to the worst strains of flu.

Maybe I’m naive, but I’m going to happily stick my head in the sand and choose to have some hope here.


The fact that we’re testing so few people means that our percentage of confirmed cases will be much higher than theirs (since whatever rules we have on using a test make it already more likely that the person has COVID-19). So that’s nothing to worry about.

The worry is that our incompetent government is not testing enough people because ho hum it’s just like the flu.

[quote=“dbvm, post:2352, topic:988, full:true”] my daily train commute.

Yeah, you gonna get Corona

I mean as long as you’ve prepared a bit, there’s not much else you can do but have some hope and wait it out. The one thing, though, is even if the mortality rate ends up being like a bad strain of the flu, it’s still going to put a tremendous strain on hospitals because people become sick enough to require hospitalization - so if too many people in one place get it, and they can’t all be hospitalized, we’ve got a problem.

True, but hopefully enough people are taking precautions now with all the advance warnings that we can maybe minimize that kind of impact? Do we know if Italy and S Korea are having capacity issues in their hard hit areas?

Whenever you decide that a crowded place
is the perfect spot to touch your face,
a corona gets its host.


wait what

This is a normal thing people do? Go full OCD at home but start picking their nose as soon as they get off the subway or something? Who the hell does that?

Troubleshooting PCR is basically my life lol

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I don’t know about that in SK and Italy. I’m not sure how much hospitals can do to prepare or take precautions for that. It’s more of a regional, AKA federal, planning situation. So, yeah. We’ve got Pence on that, should be totally fine.

I am equally baffled by the handwashing behaviour patterns that (apparently) exist in the general public. There seems to be a lot of “Wait a minute, you want me to wash my hands at work?!?!?! Fuck that!” attitudes that are frankly bizarre.

An Iranian vice president has fallen ill now. Trump will spin the inevitable crippling of the Iranian leadership as a victory for him somehow.

Also it will feed the religious crazies who think this is sent by god to punish the wicked.

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Had a chat with my 80 year old dad yesterday.

He seemed pretty sensible and has thought through what he will stop doing if it kicks off.

We agreed that I would stop seeing him face to face at the first sign of a cold, multiple transmissions in my city, etc. Which kind of sucks.

The only issue is he clearly can’t stop seeing his girlfriend, and she won’t stop seeing her grandkids and kids, so if they get it, hes getting it.

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My Dad said he’d shave his beard if necessary. Which would blow my mind as I’ve never seen him w/o a beard except in pictures…