Coronavirus (COVID-19)

That’s why you travel to a remote tropical beach. What’s that, airports shut down? Guess I’ll have another round.


Well thats the dice rolly part

Might want to travel before other countries start blocking US residents.

Confirmed case 20km from where I live in a town I pass through on my daily train commute.

AFAIK mouth and nose are the primary way viruses are shed, but they can enter your body in many different ways. That’s why everyone keeps saying don’t touch your face, for example.

Basically, you aren’t catching the virus through normal breathing, so putting a filter in front of your mouth won’t make a difference (unless it keeps you from touching your face).

7690 tests, how will you pay for those!??!!


Cut PBS. It’s the only way.


Here’s what I told my dad until I hear a better answer:

I think it’s because they diminish the velocity of your breath and trap coughs and sneezes. So your exhaled viruses aren’t careening through the air unimpeded at 40MPH or whatever.

Decent summary for comparison purposes. Numbers include repatriations.

NB Italy has since confirmed 500+

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Common surgical masks block the droplets coming out of a sick person from getting into the air, but they are not tight enough to prevent what’s already in the air from getting in.

There are specialized masks — known as N95 masks because they filter out 95 percent of airborne particles — that are more effective, and some online retailers are sold out of them. But there’s a problem: The masks are difficult to use without training. They must be fitted and tested to work properly.

Health officials have stressed keeping your distance from people who are sick, especially when it comes to respiratory viruses.

And because there is no medical solution for coronavirus, preventive steps and awareness are really the best tools at your disposal, said Stanley Perlman, an infectious-disease expert at the University of Iowa.

It is worth considering limiting exposure to large groups, especially during flu season. “Any congregation of people is a setup for spreading an infectious agent,” he said.

Most of us like to look at our smartphones and wear headphones, but in confined spaces, such as mass transit, it’s important to look around and see what’s going on, see where everyone’s hands are going and make a mental note to wash up later.

“We remember hand-washing at home but not when we get off a subway or leave the grocery store,” Popescu said. She also recommends avoiding the middle of a packed train car and doing your best to turn away if someone is coughing nearby.

Shun sick people, avoid crowds, turn away from coughers on a packed train. That should go over well. Don’t see any potential panic issues there.

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My AM radio hacks acting all thisisfine.jpg and they are calm and cool because it’s just dems freaking out as the DOW tanked was both sad and funny.

Chiefsplanet is in “pretend it’s not happening and it will go away” mode.


I’m a firm believer that almost all travel experiences are worth it - because at least the bad ones make great stores. almost all

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The Dow and S&P slumped 4.4% Thursday and Treasury yields dropped to record lows, a sign of caution among traders. After a mixed day in Asia, investors sold off shares more aggressively in Europe, where indexes were down over 3%. Shares in airlines were down as much as 10%.


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Adding lots of exclamation marks to an internet cliche isn’t elevating your awful position, which, to spell it out, is that you dgaf if something doesn’t directly affect you or people around you.

On the plus side people like you help people like me understand how someone as atrocious as Trump wins elections.

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Well I don’t plan to stop living until I’m dead.

“Reasonable questions” like that from people who don’t know how the thing actually works is how we get conspiracy theories and truthers…a bunch of people “sounding reasonable” as they spout incorrect statements and then weave them together and other people listening to those “sounds reasonable” or “that’s common sense” or “intuitive” statements and believing it.

Of course, as long as people who don’t know what they aren’t talking about don’t attempt to answer those questions then it’s fine. (2)