Cooking Good Food - Ramens of the day

that’s perfectly fine. Naan is basically a Laffa which is an acceptable way to eat it. I’m not a purist. Eat it in a sandwich if you like. Using a pita that way is identical to spreading the top of hamburger bun and eating it as an open face sandwich.

Charcuterie update: nailed it.


Wine pairing?

Are we at French tacos yet? Feels like the thread is getting very close to discussing French tacos.

Image search for French Tacos turns up nothing resembling either tacos or pita creations, so I have no idea what you think French Tacos are.

There have been articles recently in the New Yorker and a couple other places. Seems likely to be a trend this year in N. America.

I had a couple in Montreal. They’re OK, but very heavy. Would benefit hugely from some pickles or a big slice of tomato or something to cut through all the fat and starch.

Yeah, definitely a closer cousin of a California (San Diego style) burrito.


A popular way to eat shawarma in Israel is in a laffa with french fries, hummus, tahini, chopped salad (aka shirazi salad) Amba and Zhug.

Not my favorite way of eating it, but it is popular.

Yes but not as good. California burritos usually have some pico to cut the fat. French tacos are just junk food.

Fries with shawarma is a thing in Dakar (or at least it was 20 years ago). I think most of those places are Lebanese-owned.

I assume you mean Pho Lien Hoa? I don’t think I would eat Pho that wasn’t full of all the garbage meats like tripe, tendon, etc. I guess I’m trying to say it doesn’t make a very appealing vegetarian dish IMO.

Pho Lien Hoa was literally the first indoor dining I did once fully vaxed so I feel judged haha.

As far as the Ramen v. Pho debate my personal opinion is that other than the basic makeup (broth, noodles, protein) they aren’t really that similar at all. Also:


Yup. Had it once for takeout a decade ago when I was a valet at the Colcord, and once dine in. Both times with ze meats. It’s been a while and I’m sure my palette has matured since getting sober. But I like my hot take.

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the best Asian soup i ever had was an Udon at Koya in London. I had it again 5 years later in their other branch and it was meh.

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French tacos are awesome. They’re the perfect 2 AM food.

This take needs more love (although jwax’s needs more hate). While I doubt I’ve had world-class versions of either, the best ramen I’ve had was transcendent whereas even the best pho tops out pretty far below it. The less good ramen, however, tends to be pretty bad whereas I’ve only had pho that I didn’t like one time; it’s rare enough that I remember it pretty distinctly.

Comparing any pho to Campbell’s is insulting though.m

Also to address Yuv’s complaint I think a lot of people are conflating pita with flatbread. Most places that I’ve been to serve food on a flatbread, not a pita. Some of them may also have pitas that they put things inside of. I assume his offense is that a pita is made with an airy middle so that things can be placed inside of it and by placing things on top of it you’ve just wasted the process of making an actual pita.

I still think bún thịt nướng chả giò is the best bowl of noodles you’ll find in Vietnamese noodle shop. lol broth. Gimme grilled pork, crunchy vegetables, and a cup of stinky nước chấm to dump all over it.


I’ll have one

Looks great, but broth >>> noodles.

If this was to me: we just drank a bunch of tequila. Not the best pairing but led to a fun time!

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now you’re just debating lunch vs breakfast.