Cooking Good Food - Ramens of the day

I had a housemate with celiac disease and my chili triggered her condition. Still no clue why, seemed safely gluten-free.

Huh, interesting. Masa flour as a thickener that may have trace amounts of wheat? Use any soy sauce as an umami cheat code? Maybe canned beans have small amounts of gluten in their preparation? Not sure what else could possibly have set her off.

Nothing like that; did a whole CSI: My Kitchen breakdown of every ingredient and couldn’t figure it out. Trace amounts in the tomato paste or canned beans is all I got.

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Weird. On the one hand, celiac people can be pretty darn sensitive. On the other, makes me wonder if she had some other undiagnosed allergy. That’s definitely something that would gnaw at me, hurting a friend when you thought you’d taken every precaution.

I guess you would know more than I, but since Celiac is an immune disorder it doesn’t surprise me at all that it gets triggered by vanishingly small traces of whatever.

It was a very mild reaction. This has stuck with me more out of curiosity than any long-standing guilt.

That’s good to hear at least. I don’t know a ton about celiac, actually, other than a couple friends with it and talking with them. That’s why I’m feeling ya, though, like I was always paranoid about doing them wrong.

The human immune system is one of the most crazy incredible systems ever; perfectly tuned to your environment. Just a little bit off in one direction and a common cold kills you. If it’s a little off in the other direction, your body thinks a slice of bread is an invader trying to kill you and it goes nuts. Very little margin of error.

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Picked up some gochujang a few months back with no recipe plan. Never used it before and it’s still sitting there unopened. Any recipe suggestions for it?

It’s ideal in soups. A soup base with stock, gochujang and miso/doenjang is gonna be a good time.

I also made this chicken recipe just this week and it was pretty dang good (and easy).

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My friend is cooking us dinner. He just washed the chicken. Oh no.

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Going for the 'rona with a side of 'nella?

I’m going to have to have a talk with him. That’s not ideal.

Maybe it’s a salmonella party, not a dinner party. I read on the internet that we’re all going to get salmonella anyway and that it’s mild. Best to just get it over with!


Don’t forget the Camphylobacter. I remember reading that’s actually more of a concern than Salmonella. This source seems to suggest that as well, but I haven’t done a deep dive.

Oh man, I got campylobacter the night before a bachelor party in Myrtle Beach. Was stuck in the bathroom the entire time. The flight home might have been a life low point.

I only know because the friend I had dinner with ended up in the hospital. I might have preferred that to a bachelor party, considering how awful I felt.

I had that once too. I’ve got this thing where my gastrointestinal tract seems to react to this stuff super quick compared to anyone else. We were in a large group and I was sick later that day. It hit like 10 other people the next day (2 of whom went to the emergency room).

I ate the chicken. Will report back.

The chicken itself is not what’s made unsafe by washing it.

Took a swing at the vegan ma po tofu recipe in the tofu thread. Came out okay for a first time effort. Sichuan peppercorns are legit, my mouth is all tingly now.
