Cooking Good Food - Ramens of the day

Was really craving vegetable soup today. Not a usual thing for me, but the weather in the PNW has been absolutely dreadful this winter, and that probably had something to do with it. @MrWookie can probably attest to how shitty it’s been lately.

Anyways, no pics, but used this instant pot recipe and it was really good. Highly recommended:

Not too unwieldy. ;) But, uh, not sure they’re going to work all that well on that stove.

I’m thinking about buying an outdoor burner. You’re right though. I probably don’t have much use at this point. $18 was a steal though no matter what.

Kenji tested a few out, if you haven’t seen those yet.

Doesn’t seem too big for the burners.

I have been contemplating one myself. The king of the OOT steak thread has one that he uses to sear steaks (in a wok). Results are incredible. Of course, all of his results are incredible regardless of technique, but he seems to suggest that the sear he gets with that is the best.

What’s his heat source?

Maybe I’m not understanding your question, but it is an outdoor wok burner.

He’s got oil in the wok and puts the steak in the pan for a quick sear. It’s probably closer to deep frying than pan searing, but it apparently works.

The real difficulty with a wok is getting a good layer of seasoning and maintaining it. Would assume a Japanese restaurant has done a legit job of it. No clue why it would help with steak.

Here’s a vid he posted of him doing it. There’s a nice meat closeup at the end. I think he has posted even better looking ones than that.

Yeah, I was asking if it was an outdoor burner, and yeah, he’s basically just deep frying it at this point. The steak hardly makes contact with any metal.

My buddy has testicular cancer and is going through chemo. We’re doing a meal train for him and I’m looking to make something gluten free that freezes well.


dude gotta a thing or two to learn from guga on making steak gimmicks

I kept worrying that he was going to spill the oil all over his bare feet

Yeah, that and just splatter from the oil on his arms and bare hands is no joke either.

Cup 4 Cup is interchangeable with AP flour.

Make him Julia Child’s beef bourguignon or a chicken pot pie. Go big.

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My guess is it’s less about the wok and more about the burner. I’d imagine an outdoor rig like the one in the video is throwing off a lot more heat than searing on a stovetop.

The chocolate chip cookies I linked to upthread, I made them w gf flour.

You could make the dough, portion into balls, then freeze. He bakes them from frozen (20 min defrost) at 350 for 14 min when he wants a couple. Plus, you can keep a few behind in your freezer, for the effort.

I baked 2 tonight from frozen and they were actual perfection.

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Really like this idea. Thanks!

My serious answer is one of my favorite stews and one of my favorites that I like to impress people with, because it has delicious but uncommon flavors, is Algerian harira.

Use like 3 lbs of lamb instead of the 1 in the recipe. Definitely use the tedouira thickener described in the options section, but maybe 1/4 to 1/2 as much corn starch instead of flour? Or some other GF thickener?

My troll answer is a bunch of stews all centered around a certain motif: matzoh ball soup, pho with meatballs and fish balls, Italian wedding soup with meatballs, etc.

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