Cooking Good Food - Ramens of the day

are you vegan? if not i feel like the meat is pretty crucial in a mapo tofu (not that i’m an expert in any way)

Nah, but I do try to cut down on meat and esp ground beef. Thought it was fine without meat, there’s enough oil to keep it savory.

Tried out Kenji’s battered fish tacos tonight with some cod MrsWookie brought home. Shattered expectations. Really delicious. She did the pickled onions. Cabbage is napa cabbage, because that’s what we had. Orange chipotle garlic sauce wasn’t in the recipe or on any of the rest of my family’s tacos, but it’s great.


I’ve had it both ways and vegan is actually really good.

Looks awesome. I wish I didn’t despise frying at home otherwise I would make these all the time.

Outdoor wok burner keeps looking better and better.


I’ve been kicking around the idea of doing this for a while, and Father’s Day is early on in outdoor cooking season…

I am making kenji’s stew today. Hope it turns out!

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Surely he has many stews.

Beef stew from the latest video? So am I. Just got all the stuff together. Need to go grab a bottle of red wine first.


I am subbing 50% homemade beef stock I had left. Otherwise going to follow it exact.

Lol. I’m subbing 50% homemade chicken stock I had. Good luck!


This one?

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Just put in oven. Current state.

PS wtf does this site put all my photos sideways now! I’m guessing it’s a dumb apple thing. :weary:


You have to edit the photo slightly before uploading. I just trim it the slightest bit and it works.

Oh thanks.

Also, just realized I may have fucked up already. I put the amount of gelatin form the recipe but forgot I subbed 1/4 with homemade beef stock with a decent amount of natural gelatin. Hopefully it isn’t screwed!

Nah, it’ll be fine, if not better. Almost impossible to have too much gelatin, up to the point that it can’t dissolve anymore. I’m doing Kenji’s cassoulet today, and he recommends supplementing even a good homemade stock with 3 packets of gelatin.

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Oh good. Thanks. :grin:

Right behind you.

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Nice. I was kind to future Clovis and put my bay leafs and thyme is cheesecloth tied up. :grin: