Cooking Good Food - Ramens of the day

How about an icebox cake, but with some type of 21st Century twist?

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Good ideas all. I like the idea of an icebox cake. I remember an episode of good eats over that. I think Alton even updated it this season :thinking:


How about individual cheesecakes in little mason jars? Macerated fruit on top.

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Had a family thing last weekend too. Why do one when you can have them all?

Didn’t post it previously because not all are homemade. Though store bought desserts from the right places are light years ahead of anything I can create.


Living the bachelor life this weekend, so I’m trying out some spicy recipes my family wouldn’t tolerate. Buldak!

Served with a side of spicy cucumber salad and kimchi. Should have made rice but straight forgot. Nommed anyway. Omnomnomnom


oh yeah, that’s exactly what bachelor life looks like


That’s how I cook for 1 also. Not even lying. If I’m going to fire it up I’m going to make some shit.

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Homeade kimchi?

Nah, I’m not that tryhard, but it is the house kimchi from the local H Mart. Great stuff. Not sure I could top it myself.

I’d have bet money that kimchi spent time buried in Wookie’s backyard.

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So, kimchi is basically sauerkraut? Ban all of you talking about it imo.

Napa cabbage instead of regular, and many more ingredients to amp up the flavor. But it is fundamentally fermented cabbage.

yuck. I grew up with sauerkraut, pickled herring, liver and onions, and they are all gross af. Imo.

I like coleslaw and other cabbage foods.

Have you tried it? It doesn’t taste anything like those things you mentioned. I hate all those too and love kimchi. Especially when somebody has a heavier hand than normal on the ginger.

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Kimchi is much more sweet, savory and spicy than sauerkraut. My grandma, and now my folks, made sauerkraut with just cabbage and salt and time. Kimchi has Korean chili powder, sugar, salted shrimp, ginger, and other aromatics perhaps too. It’s pretty distinct. There are also versions based on e.g. daikon that are pretty great, too, if you just want to skip the napa cabbage version.


I like sauerkraut and can’t stand mayo-based coleslaw. also like liver and onions.

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OK Boomer


Yeah this.

Comparing kimchi and sauerkraut is like comparing an Aston Martin with an entry level Chevy. Yes, they’re both cars, but that is where the similarity ends.