Cooking Good Food - Ramens of the day

Yeah, and even if our bodies were capable of synthesizing all of the amino acids, carbohydrates offer zero nitrogen to make that happen. There’s no getting around that.

Decided to honor ohtani with post game ramen. Google suggested Marufuku Ramen


found a saimin place only locals eat at. it was pretty good


Had some family over today, some I haven’t seen in a year+, for a Christmas in July party. Made the steak yesterday for prime rib sandwiches. Cooked it yesterday, sliced up and just heated up a little for today.

Also turned most of these veggies (plus a couple others) into a ratatouille. This was the pre-oven photo. Also cooked yesterday so I could spend more time outside today and let the flavors meld more overnight.



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Ya, seconding, the steak is perfect and the veggies are flawless.

You have an after photo of the ratat?

Eta - tagging @00cooler00

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I do not unfortunately. After prepping them I did ~45 minutes in the oven at 350 covered with foil then ~25 minutes uncovered. I’ve never made it before so I wasn’t sure what to expect. Ton of prep work obv. A mandolin would have saved lots of time but I had the day to chop.

Sundays are for Sunday sauce! Gonna turn this into rigatoni by lunch time.


Its happening!!!




I am braising pork for lunch today too! But in the style of the other side of the world.

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Random thought from today’s lunch: Is there a commonly eaten food that is less kosher than New England clam chowder?

Bacon cheeseburger?

Red cooked pork belly is so good


I made homemade salsa today using all ingredients from our garden other than the lime and onion.

Kicking myself for not taking a picture.


How does this get a like?

Making ribeye fajitas or tacos or something for dinner with garden vegetables. Our tomatoes aren’t ripe yet.

The radishes worked great for the banh mi. I was eating the pickled carrots and radishes by the spoonful the other night.


I just like stuff if it sounds good.

Never used ribeye for fajitas but that’s all I have and came upon this:

Cooking ribeye roast in the slow cooker is an excellent way to prepare the meat, especially if you enjoy your steaks well done, advises Washington State University. Use a sauce to add moisture if you have a lean cut of steak.

  1. Cover and cook on low for eight hours.
  2. Shred the meat and serve with corn tortillas and a dollop of Greek yogurt.


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