Cooking Good Food - Ramens of the day

I meant to post it in the chopping up ingredients and combining thread.

It did look pretty though. Added a purple bell pepper from the garden and the tomatoes were two different colors.

I didn’t blend it. It was salsa cruda.


Go Cougs! WSU also cans cheddar cheese if you need a Washington based gift or like cheddar cheese…


Anybody have any experience ordering mail order truffles? Thinking of doing a truffle risotto next month and would like to get some real truffles but don’t have any experience.

Also, how much truffles do you think I might need for a truffle risotto to feed 5 1/2 people?

ETA: thinking about ordering from this site:

Never tried the site, but I would not be able to stop myself from singing my parody version of the Rick Ross hit “Hustlin’” when preparing the truffles.

Everyday I’m trufflin’ trufflin’
trufflin, trufflin’ trufflin’


Good dessert to make for ~ a dozen family members at a cookout tomorrow? One aunt is a foodie and the other is a QAnon nut that made me delete Facebook.

Was thinking maybe a milk bar cookie recipe. But the ingredient list for those is always dumb.

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The bars are a good idea because of the ease of serving. You just plop them down and thats it.

Personally my favorite BBQ dessert is Texas style banana pudding but its not universally loved.

My other go to for summer group dessert is a berry / peach crumble with vanilla ice cream. Really easy to make and universally loved in my experience.

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What about a selection of grilled fruit, like peaches and watermelon?


How about an icebox cake, but with some type of 21st Century twist?

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Good ideas all. I like the idea of an icebox cake. I remember an episode of good eats over that. I think Alton even updated it this season :thinking:


How about individual cheesecakes in little mason jars? Macerated fruit on top.

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Had a family thing last weekend too. Why do one when you can have them all?

Didn’t post it previously because not all are homemade. Though store bought desserts from the right places are light years ahead of anything I can create.


Living the bachelor life this weekend, so I’m trying out some spicy recipes my family wouldn’t tolerate. Buldak!

Served with a side of spicy cucumber salad and kimchi. Should have made rice but straight forgot. Nommed anyway. Omnomnomnom


oh yeah, that’s exactly what bachelor life looks like


That’s how I cook for 1 also. Not even lying. If I’m going to fire it up I’m going to make some shit.

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Homeade kimchi?

Nah, I’m not that tryhard, but it is the house kimchi from the local H Mart. Great stuff. Not sure I could top it myself.

I’d have bet money that kimchi spent time buried in Wookie’s backyard.

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So, kimchi is basically sauerkraut? Ban all of you talking about it imo.

Napa cabbage instead of regular, and many more ingredients to amp up the flavor. But it is fundamentally fermented cabbage.