Brother to join the forum

Lol yeah it’s ok for you but when I misspell something “tee hee.” Stay Relevant by commenting bro. :roll_eyes:

That’s cute and a great explanation that’s not relevant (like you) - you can just say yeah I trust them or not

See this is incoherent nonsense. Try and cut back on the booze a tad. Sure seems like I struck a chord and rustled your jimmies making one comment about how poorly you write. Sorry about that!


For you to win the bet, at some point you were going to have to say according to X, there are less than 46K deaths, so I win.

So who was X going to be. It wasn’t NYT, FOX, Mike Pence, or worldodometers. So who was it going to be? How were you planning on claiming victory?

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Lol. Last chance before I perma block you. What is an acceptable news source for you? This is the 5th time I’ve asked and you keep deflecting like you always do.

Yea mr “ your Internet grammar sucks but mine is ok and just a misstep” smh

Is this 3 or 4 times I asked If you trust Fox News? Please perma block me so you can remain irrelevant.

Reading comprehension FTW. Lock this thread and ban this illiterate troll. I’m pretty sure this is performance art of an Andy Kaufman level.

Lol can I count this as the 4th:5th time you won’t say you trust Fox News?

Lol “won’t comment on this thread” comments more lies

Muted this thread and blocked this dipshit. NYT is doing a pretty good podcast right now about someone that was seemingly radicalized the same way (YouTube, message boards, etc). Highly recommend.

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For you to win the bet, at some point you were going to have to say according to X, there are less than 46K deaths, so I win.

So who was X going to be? It wasn’t NYT, FOX, Mike Pence, or worldodometers. So who was it going to be? How were you planning on claiming victory?

I take in all the info I can and form My own opinion. As far as bull Connor, I live here and my relatives went through it, I believe them. I’ll ask this, why do most Americans believe the slavery narrative? Who cultivated that? I make my own decisions based on the info I have, regardless of source.

Yeah. I cited fox to serve this guy until he asked if I trust them but won’t admit I trust them cuz I got scholarships for free (I’m so smart.) lmao

I posted 2 articles saying counts were off. Simple enough for me.

What was the total death count they said? I didn’t see a number for total deaths in either article.



I agree

So you’re agreeing there is no way you could have won the bet?

I agree I didn’t see a death count.