Brother to join the forum

You took a bet knowing full well that you dont think the numbers are being counted accurately. Thats dirty.

So, I wasted my money (lol) on going to college for free, yet you went for apparently 4 years and didn’t graduate and it wasn’t a waste? Do you know what cognitive dissonance is?

Your brother mentioned going for a year. You refused to correct him. Sick gotcha though bro!

I said it was wasted. You said I couldn’t hack it at a sister fucking school or something and now trying to clown about my 4 year experience…LOL

Yeah, I told you vast assumptions and he was a liar so…sick gotcha bro?

Why would you go to school for 4 years and not graduate?

What’s an acceptable source of news and information for you? Apparently Fox and Breitbart are too lib? Limbaugh? Hannity? Beck? Reddit? The_Donald?

How many deaths do you believe we currently have in this country due to Covid? How many will we have by year’s end?

Even if they dont care it still makes no sense.

It wasn’t for me, and though he says it was conservative it was another lie. Also. I’m doing great so don’t need a degree. I am curious if you’ll admit you had bad info?

Aww you cited fox but won’t say you trust them? Lmao why not?

This is why I thought you went to UA for a year. Congrats on making it through 4 years with no degree. Dropping out of college to own the libs

Jesus Christ I know your comprehension is worse than a 9 year old, but please try and keep up. I’m asking you, what news source is acceptable to you? Even Fox days over 50,000 deaths. Where do you get your unbiased news and information?

Lol just say you got bad info, like I said upfront. Nah, you went with it and continued. Lol.

Jesus Christ, I asked you point blank if you trusted fox. You’ve yet to give a yay or nay. I know why. But I’ll wait.

Maybe I should take this opportunity to point out even fox “days over 50K” cuz internet grammar is so important that you made a point about it the other day. Lol

I know. Reported death count is irrelevant to their findings.

I think Fox News on the news side is fine. I think their opinion shows are actively dangerous and are more to blame for our current political climate and divisiveness than any other entity.

You gonna provide me with a news and information source your trust? YouTube videos?

I have a question, what is required proof wise or what publication has to say its over 64K deaths for you to believe it actually is?

Yea, says vs days is the same as the illiterate drivel you post at an alarming clip. Another amazing gotcha! Keep it up!

Maybe their forced sterilization process? Perhaps their organ procuring business? You’re joking right?