Brother to join the forum

The really sad part is that Welchernotwager is now the A side of the card.

@wirelessgrinder has become welcherbro. You brought this on yourself, I’m sorry.

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Yes, agreed.

So going back to the original question, how were you going to prove there was less than 46K and claim the win?

Obviously, we can’t use those articles. They have no death count listed.


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Why do you think they list no count? Because they don’t know. If folks are lying about it across the union, it stands to reason it’s happening elsewhere. Pretty simple.

Maybe you and jwax can form a not relevant community??

Sure hope we can attract a drunk dunce or two.

Thought So. Maybe you too can cite a source you don’t trust as relevant?

Sure, you.

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And we wait.

Those wheels are turning.

You’ll get there.

I know, I’ve been waiting for that clown to say He trusts fox or not since he cited it. You think he’ll show?

Good call, we’re on the same side now.

K, I’m off. Next.

Easy $$ next is right

It ran thin 2 weeks ago. Nobody should respond to this clown.


Oh i agree lmao, we can lock this thread and be done with it, i thought he might engage in good faith MAYBE but its quite clear he doesn’t intend to do that.

Is it because you lied about my education?

Kinda weird to be speaking about good faith when you lie about things huh?

So how many COVID deaths are there in the United States?


Answers to this should include:

  • A number
  • A source for that number
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I dunno. It’s obvious nobody can be trusted at this point. Except Fox News, but only if Jwax says so.