Brother to join the forum


So how can you say it’s definitively under 46k? And how were you planning on claiming victory?

Are you sure he is choosing not to act in good faith? That is one possibility and certainly the most likely one. He also could just be really stupid. The ones who are clearly arguing in bad faith are generally far more coherent than this.

I suppose the truth is that it’s a bit of both. But I’m still not sure which is the greater factor.

yea i mean i dunno man, its easier to assume for me at least that he’s acting in bad faith because the alternative is well…not great


Jfc this is ponderous. Jwax answered

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Still think a big portion of this is an attention-seeking ploy. Once you started to engage, he ran away. And in combination with the intellect of a petulant 5 year old, you end up with the man child we see here. You still love it and all, just shouldn’t do much more challenging that watch Sesame Street or play Chutes and Ladders bc anything beyond that is wasted energy.

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Hahahah, I KNEW this dude was a slavery truther.

David Blight’s book, Race and Reunion: The Civil War in American Memory, does a good job explaining how the Lost Cause narrative took hold, if anyone’s interested in that kind of thing.


I don’t know who’s dumber: heritagenothate or those still responding.

He posts 2-3 sentences. You guys respond with an essay. He responds with “fake news”.

He’s winning.


WG, I have a very similar divide with one of my brothers. We were raised in a conservative republican environment and at some point early on he became estranged. The entire family actually progressed to a more considerate place, including my parents, but he has remained stuck. I don’t talk to him any more.

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Got to admit this was a bold move cotton!

Doubling down on “Ldo it’s obvious China killed their citizens as part of their 4d chess play on the US”.

He really needs to answer this question not dodge it. He made the bet so he had to have some existing source as been an acceptable count.

Otherwise Double Hillbilly Welch

Double hillbilly duelling banjos.

Have we discovered yet what hillbillybro thinks of Trump’s suggestion of injecting bleach?

I have some sympathy toward wirlessbro, because I held similar hot-take views about the Civil War at one point. Like, when I first discovered Thomas DiLorenzo, but rather than stop there, and conclude his takes were right just because they aligned with what I wanted to believe at the time, I eventually found out there were much better, more rigorous accounts of the Civil War and it’s aftermath That actually grapple with seemingly contradictory statements and such.

There’s this instinct most people have to believe something they learn after years of being told one simplified narrative. I don’t know why, and I’m certainly not immune to it, but you see it all the time. the scam click-bait headlines distill it pretty well into “They don’t want you to know this one unbelievable fact…“ and then they might even provide something that’s true, but the implications of that fact don’t lead to the conclusions they suggest.

Most of the time it’s just something a few people may be personally ignorant of, like the fact that Lincoln was a Republican. If you e grown up in a world where Republicans are constantly maligned as racists, when you find out that Lincoln was a Republican, it could easily lead you to the conclusion that everyone else around you is either lying about how evil the Republicans are, or they are just as ignorant about it as you were. Like when RAND Paul, or some other libertarian tool, went to Howard and tried to drop a truth bomb on them. He got laughed out of the room, because the reality was actually a third option that he hadn’t considered: most people that have even a cursory understanding of our political history know that there was a realignment of the parties during the Civil Rights Era.

You can see a similar thing working when wirelessbro trying to score a gotcha with his “so is Lincoln a racist” take. He grew up with people
Telling him that the south was full of racists and the Confederacy was a traitorous, racist institution, and then he finds out that Lincoln made some questionable statements about slavery and black people, and he’s all “Ahhh-Ha! I knew the North was really the evil one, I’m gonna finally stick it to all these mean libruls that didn’t know Lincoln was a huge racist.” Unfortunately witelessbro doesn’t appear to have the emotional maturity or self awareness to realize he’s wrong and learn/grow.

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You’re def right here, my dad had some anti lincoln takes for sure and i can still remember him telling me something as a kid like “I blame lincoln for the deaths in the civil war, he coulda just let it go but he couldn’t”

edit: i believe it was in reference to this book i was reading at the time, yea yea i know but i was in my teens probably and i’m a history buff.


Spoilers below:

Time travelers bring the confederates AK-47’s, GG EZ civil war, the guys that time traveled obviously super racist and their reasoning for helping the south is to keep the slaves locked down. Robert E lee becomes president i think and decides to free the slaves himself after the war, kills the baddies and destroys their time portal thingy. lul


Can you imagine if HBO made some Harry Turtledove adaptations? Goddamn, now you have me thinking. An anthology series like Prime’s Electric Dreams for Philip K. Dick’s stories would be excellent. As an anthology show, they could do stand-alone concept episodes or multi-episode arcs.

Or if they want to go big, something like Guns of the South could easily be the next Man in the High Castle.

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Alabama could use some Georgia Coroners.

Does he mean hamberger?