Boredsocial for mod: First step, ban [redacted] [UNDRAFTED] and the girl reading this

Yeah, but people don’t agree on the list. Victor is obvious, but I like Jalfrezi too. Yes he trolls people a lot, but like you said, you used to fight a lot and Victor used to fight a lot too. I used to fight with Jalfrezi a lot. But, he’s cool. I want him to stay.


Maybe those posters who fear they would be banned as a content free nuisance need some introspection rather than being coddled at the expense of the rest of us.

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That dude is on my ignore because of uh what Clovis said so I don’t give a shit if he’s gone, that’s why I voted yes. I vaguely recognize he posts in programming. For some reason he reminds me of a tech bro version of sevencard2003.

“Grow the fuck up”.


Well, if he’s on your ignore, you haven’t noticed that he’s being a lot less like that in the rest of the forum and he posts perfectly normally/nicely in the programming thread.


I’m not actually advocating for banning really anyone at this point. I think people should be told to cut the shit and if they can’t manage that face a rapidly escalating punishment scale that ends with a perma. The fact this has literally been going on for months between jal and cuse is ridiculous. It has now spread into an all out forum war where people are picking sides and/or actively participating themselves. It could have been stopped in it’s tracks with more moderation a long time ago right?

And that isn’t a slight on the mods, they weren’t really given any power. The response to anything was always to “start a poll thread” which always went exactly nowhere because 90% of the people voting didn’t care or even know what was going on.


I have not been following the drama, but it sounds like CW has quit again. We should not dictate forum rules based on his temper tantrums that occur every few months. Everyone else is capable of dropping topics after they’ve run their course, or at least limiting their posting so that it doesn’t snowball into this childish shit.

It is of course a terrible idea for BS to be a mod if he’s going to perma the people he mentioned, and his attacks on Microbet earlier ITT were completely out of line.


Yeah, but I dont’ think for a second that him getting modded actually leads to permas because, that’s not actually what the rules are here. I do think it leads to more banning of certain people who need to be reigned in, and I think that’s fine.

I have no idea. I guess if one or both of them were perma’d, assuming they didn’t GREEEEER9000, it would have stopped.

Also, this doesn’t seem like war. Maybe it’s more than people just talking because there’s not enough happening with Trump, but the talking about moderation has eclipsed the problem and it’s not because of the severity of the problem (which I think a large majority of the site completely ignored).

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If 90% of people don’t care or aren’t aware of some forum drama, that’s probably a good sign that nobody involved needs to be banned.


We know this isn’t the case though right? 85 people have voted in this poll. That represents a huge percentage of the regular posters.

I thought Wichita was talking about the semi-regular “should we ban this person based on what they said in this thread?” poles.

Also I have no idea what’s going on with the current drama beyond reading some stuff recently that’s the same group of people rehashing the same bullshit they always do. I don’t care even a little bit about any of it, but I know that the posters BS mentioned should not be banned so I voted accordingly. Although I have one of them on ignore - my only ignored person!

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Maybe he did. Lol me. My bad.

I agree none of them should be permabanned with one caveat. If they come back in again and start the same argument a third time they should be perma banned.

I think some of those temp-bans expire today, which is December 23. So, in the spirit of Festivus, I think they should be allowed one post to sum up everything they have a grievance about with each other, complete with citations of posts that back up their claims about each other. No rebuttals allowed until next Festivus.

I don’t think there’s any benefit to name calling, but I think a rule of “no name calling” does nothing to quell hostility. It just results in people dancing around the line and that may well increase overall unpleasantness. I’ve always thought a simple “fuck off” was better posting than a lot of more elaborate arguing that avoids any trip wires.

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Hard disagree. Perhaps the most fervent disagree I can imagine. :grin:

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I think you have it backwards. This forum is a sprawling entity at this point. I read the same 5 threads every day and don’t read the other 100. A lot of times I see drama mentioned that I didn’t see and have no idea about. That is because none of us consume the entire forum. The fact you didn’t see it doesn’t mean that there isn’t a problem. It means there isn’t a problem for you yet. There is a very real problem for the few dozen people sifting through it day after day.

When we expect the forum members to police the behavior of the bad actors this is what we end up with. Posters make this place unpleasant for all in their orbit while some significant percentage of posters don’t see it as they participate in different threads. Then when the inevitable post/thread is made about the problem half the forum shows up and says “I don’t see what the big deal is” because they truly didn’t see it. It makes it impossible to ever moderate any behavior except the most egregious. It is also why you see cuse or Caffeine or whoever feel like they have to go so hard on the posters posting misinformation or personal attacks, there is no other solution and why try to get anyone moderated when half the community will shrug if they try. The bad actors know this and make a huge stink any time they are called out for their behavior to try and further dissuade any real moderation from happening.

On the other hand a group of mods should collectively have seen just about every post on the forum and should have the power to make a collective judgment call about what happened. Maybe we should let them try and clean the place up rather than pretending the system (or lack thereof) that we have had to date is working. It clearly isn’t.

I mean, this keeps getting posted like its about them arguing with each other. I recognize I keep getting lumped in with this group and will again point out that I have no interest in continuing to engage that group, and I posted all of once in that last kerfluffle after days of staying out of it only after getting @‘d by a mod. But this isn’t about them arguing with CW, at all. This is about them needling CW through third-party posts just ragging on him and insulting him constantly, even when he has nothing to do with the conversation, or even when he is not speaking with them at all. That’s what drove him absolutely up the wall. They do the same kind of thing to posters like me as well, I just don’t care enough to respond by posting walls of text and asking for self-bans. But that should probably be a thing that is disallowed only because CW is a quality poster, and if it is driving posters like him away (and we know it is based on the responses in this thread), then that is a problem.

Like being president, the members who would be the best mods are smart enough not to take on that job.


I’m not concerned about being modded, but I’ve also been a little bit inconsistent in how much moderation I’ve advocated for. I decided yesterday that I really do not care any more so please don’t take my thoughts into account when deciding how to proceed.