About Moderation (old original thread)

Did this really happen today?

Victor posts another of his lolprogs shitlibs posts, others tell him to fuck off, and mods come to Victor’s defense and scold his responders?

I’m old enough to remember when Victor posted many substantive and interesting posts (sans personal attackery) with the occasional asshattery. Now not so much.

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Yeah. You think Victor should not have been able to make that original post? Seriously?

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Victor has been shit-posting on this forum for a very long time. People are rightly annoyed (to use a euphemism) that he continues to do that. When others call him on a shitty post, considering his completely terrible posting history, this is community modding in action. If this type of community modding serves to improve his posting, so much the better. If instead it somehow results in his departure from this forum, that would be an outcome entirely of his own making.

We don’t want or need mods to step in to every situation. It can quickly become hair-splitting and/or side-taking and those are often counter-productive (witness recent events).

Victor is another one that gets tone policed to death instead of engaged with. Could be because the neoliberalism that he attacks is indefensible on it’s merits but that’s just speculation on my part!!1!1


I don’t think anyone is saying we don’t want community modding in action.

That doesn’t mean all forms of community modding are acceptable.

That the kind of callout in question falls under “community modding in action” doesn’t mean it’s by default acceptable. IMO, we are really wasting a lot of valuable time if we don’t talk separately about WHAT we do vs HOW we go about it, but these conversations often devolve into people speaking as though they’re the same thing.

Personally, I want community modding in action to integrate kindness as an essential component.

Victor deserves kindness. Everyone here does, even when they’re acting like a shitbag themselves.

Note that I did not say everyone deserves CIVILITY.

But a chance to grow?

If we take Victor at his word, he has committed to this. Let’s give him a little room to explore what that looks like. We can assert boundaries (including banning him if needed) without having to be unkind ourselves in return. I’d hope you’d all do the same for me.


Yes and here I think I should quote the argument against banning personal attacks, which is also the argument against making personal attacks, as well as the argument against the behaviour you’re describing:

Nice argument. I might post more if it gets adopted.

Which might give wookie more impetus to start his “ban d2 for neutral intention posting” poll, so that would be fun.

Well, I’m sorry that my “passive aggressive” quip started a mini-shitstorm. I didn’t really mean to be aggressive in any real sense; I honestly just thought complaining about AOC’s tone in that spot was kind of ridiculous. (I mean, she’s doing politics: of course she’s gonna do her best to grab some credit here – and by the way, this goes to my earlier point that much of the cause of (some of) the feuding here is that some folks simply can’t stand politics and may of us are here – at least in part – because we are interested in following politics. The shit we take is that we are somehow corrupt by association, or have no skin in the game, or are morally inferior, etc).

But I had no idea Victar is on some kind of reformed poster kick and that we should be extra careful not to provoke him. That’s cool with me, and I’ll stop, but I don’t think we should expect everyone to just know that. I mean, it’s not like I don’t get provoked as well (Case in point: I made an apparently poorly-worded post about how “finding your passion” is often trite advice and I got accused of not knowing any poor people? lol)

Anyway, I won’t engage Victar in that manner any further. Again, sorry for starting more forum shit. I like it here!


It’s so funny how long I’ve had Clovis on ignore but every time his name comes up it’s because someone else is complaining about him being a smug, condescending, self-righteous asshole.

He must’ve made a big noise about Biden saying he wouldn’t reform immigration right away, right? Since I’m sure that post of his isn’t just projection.

I wonder how many people Clovis is personally responsible for causing to disengage with the politics here. At least for me, having five years of that bullshit yelled at me by libs has given me zero tolerance for opening up new avenues for it.

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I mean that is Victor being Victor. I know where it is coming from. I have a good idea where he is going to come down on a variety of issues.

Sometimes Victor gets me to rethink my position on something and sometimes I am just lol Victor.


I had to wait to post again, but there’s a real point I left out I want to make about Clovis’ post that Watevs quoted:

I honestly think posts like that are much worse and way more toxic than a simple “fuck you.”

Me, personally, I don’t care if people like me or get pissed off at me. I’m old enough that it’s happened enough and I know not everybody is going to like me. Most people won’t, even. Tell me “fuck you,” well, I know you’re one of those people, c’est la vie.

That is very different than what Clovis is doing here, which is essentially character assassination. He’s calling people liars with no principles for, as far as I can tell, no reason other than to feel good about himself and his choice to be a Democrats Uber Alles liberal. (If you can think of a better reason, let me know, but given all his posts I’ve seen and the way people talk about his posts I don’t see, I can’t think of one.)

THAT is toxic shit this forum shouldn’t put up with.


Lol. Victor thinks federal prisons are worse than gulags. Hard to take him seriously after he picked that hill to die on.

Part of the problem with political discourse online-- here and everywhere-- is that liberals argue like if they posture that something is self-obviously true, then it must be.


The world isn’t divided into people who are always right about everything and always wrong about everything.


Bad time for the “10 types of people in this world” joke?

Supermax federal prisons are probably worse than many gulags, depending on if the gulag was starving all its prisoners to death at the time. Wouldn’t want to be in a gulag during the first few years of Germany invading Russia.


Yes. ask yourself if that joke punches up or punches down and determine appropriateness thusly.

Lol. You guys are cute.

There is one supermax, in Colorado, and it houses like 200 inmates. The rest are all USPs (max) and down. Pretty sure there are more min security camps than anything else.

Not to mention the fact that federal facilities are much, much, nicer than State. I mean, if you started comparing San Quentin to gulag, might be something I’d at least entertain (although you’re still off by at least an order of magnitude). Having the conversation with people who have no idea what the fuck they are comparing to what and pushing propaganda is just a massive waste of time entertaining NVG-worthy analogies, though.

Thanks, boss. Pretty sure that with my current standing on this board, every joke punches up.

When I was a kid, in the United States, people generally considered any kind of extended solitary confinement to be torture.

Eta: but yeah, I know most federal prisoners are not in solitary. My wife taught yoga in a federal penitentiary.

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Right time for a “purity test” joke?

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