Boredsocial for mod: First step, ban [redacted] [UNDRAFTED] and the girl reading this

Buddy no one is going to call you a chad but continue being an arrogant douche

Iā€™m not exactly sure which thread to put this in but when people are given 100 chances and literally donā€™t change at all eventually they need to be banned. It isnā€™t just disrespectful to the poster they are abusing it is disrespectful to the rest of us who have to wade through this shit day after day for no apparent reason.

I changed my vote to no even though I think in general BS would make a good mod. Mostly because I donā€™t get how Victor is included in this mess. The other two have been getting dozens of warnings and ignored them for the most part. I donā€™t want to see them go, because I donā€™t dislike them, but I do want the nonstop bs to stop. If they canā€™t manage that on their own at some point they have to be banned. I would say the same thing about cuse btw. If he canā€™t stop getting in these pointless bickering matches that we all hate he needs to be moderated and eventually banned.

I think the moderators are taking some steps to address this and I think we should see how it goes. I for one have liked the wild west aspect of this place but it has reached a boiling point. The way we keep the good posters isnā€™t picking and choosing who is a ā€œgoodā€ poster but by not allowing people who make no effort to be a good member to continue to pollute the forum.


Yeah, I think Victoar being included in this mess is screwing with this pole. BS, even by your own standard, thereā€™s a difference between value to toxicity, and outright trolling. Outright trolling is way more damaging to the community then arguably poor posting and impulse control. Longtime posters like CW arenā€™t being driven off because of poor posting, theyā€™re being driven off because of trolling.

Tomato Tomatoh. If everyone feels like Victor is an overreach Iā€™d be happy to take him off the list. I think heā€™s a significant net drain on the average experience on the site, but Iā€™m obviously (and surprised about it) in the minority there. Heā€™s definitely not as big of a problem as Jal and Churchill, I just thought he was still comfortably past the line where keeping him around made very little sense.

As for being an arrogant douche @oneeyedtripping what can I sayā€¦ I am what I am.

Heā€™s being driven off because heā€™s a thin-skinned, entitled baby.


And heā€™s not even being driven off, heā€™s demanding a permban because itā€™s too much for him to justā€¦not post.


There were at least a half dozen people in that thread indicating they were being driven off, it wasnā€™t just CW.

I feel like there is a commonality that all of these posters share

I feel like Iā€™m interacting with this forum in the correct way, because whenever one of these forum drama threads pop up I have no idea what everyone is talking about.


I think the issue here is that people/mods seemed to be so anti temp banning at the beginning, that any banning or moderation at all is now seen as an enormous judicial action, rather than just a ā€œHey man, catch your breath and pause for a momentā€ signal.

I think the best model for modding is the one laid out in 2p2ā€™s SE FAQ:
An incremental banning system with small, brief temp bans that allow people to get back into action quickly.

If you violate the rules, you get temp bans, small at first but escalating with repeated behavior.

Primary rules:

  1. Donā€™t publicly ask for people to be banned.
  2. Do not call people names or make direct attacks on them.
  3. Mild trolling is ok. But thereā€™s a line, and people who cross it will be asked to stop.
  4. Do not use hate language.
  5. All complaining about mod (in)actions must be confied to a single thread, not strewn all over a forum.

[I am open to being temp banned for favorably referencing 2p2. I am also open to being temp banned just to illustrate how non-consequential and heathy it can be, like Fauci publicly receiving the vaccine.]


Those rules date back to when Clark and I were the only two mods of SE, so Iā€™ll allow the favorable reference.

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The one place we are woefully under modded in my opinion is personal attacks. We are the only forum I know of that allows them. By allowing them we actually encourage them. Iā€™m as guilty as anyone. If we instituted a simple zero tolerance for name calling and personal attacks the forum experience would improve 100 fold for everyone.

Gone would be the idiot, moron, nazi, shitlib, dumb, troll, liar etc posts.

Attack the idea not the person.


And so any mod coming in and doing permas would probably cause a HUGE kerfuffle unless a large majority of the site agreed on each and every ban, right?

I was going to ask @grue, who supported some of this idea, how he would feel if Victor (who we post along with in the programming thread) were included in the purge?

If the permas happened and stuck, Iā€™d put the O/U on maybe 15 regs walking out. There are a LOT of people around here who are not comfortable with heavy handed modding. Sub-24 hour bans are sensitive enough, permas would cause an explosion. imho.

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I could go either way on this, but imo the rule has to be to actually treat people with respect. Itā€™s just trivially easy to be mean without crossing a line that people see as a personal attack.

I think most people worrying about too much modding are worrying because they know their behavior would not survive it. I would prefer less modding but I donā€™t think my forum experience would be any different either way because I donā€™t think it is likely I would get modded much.

Basically the only reason we need moderation is that this same group of people refuses to moderate themselves. I think it is short sighted to let this group hold the rest of the forum hostage because they canā€™t behave. They have been give chance after chance and refuse and so are forcing this change by their own behavior. If they want to whine about it or quit the forum they did it to themselves.


I donā€™t think thatā€™s true. I know Iā€™m concerned about too much modding and I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever been temp-banned other than as a joke in my 15 years on these sites. I think nobody (the poster) has been expressing concern and I donā€™t think heā€™s worried about being modded. Jbro, I think, has been very anti-heavy moderation and I donā€™t think heā€™s concerned about being modded. I think Rexx has said some anti-ban stuff and Iā€™m sure sheā€™s not concerned about being modded. Dunno, but, I think that list would go on a long way. RiskyFlush, right?

People want to be able to use the same language towards posters they disagree with that they would use towards politicians who have similar political beliefs.

What is the argument to allow name calling?

Itā€™s a legitimate fear when the reason for some of the proposed permbans are simply that BS doesnā€™t feel like posters contribute the ā€œrightā€ amount to the forum. Weā€™re setting ourselves up for a potential Lord of the Flies situation.


No one likes moderation. But the group of people you mention understands that this current drama fest needs moderation right? The people threatening to leave the forum are mostly the bad actors(or people threatening to leave because of them). No one in that list you mentioned is quitting the forum if these petty squabbles are outlawed.