Boredsocial for mod: First step, ban [redacted] [UNDRAFTED] and the girl reading this

If you all really want the back and forth pissing matches to stop the new rules will help but they wont work entirely. They will help keep old stuff from being rehashed but the people who go back and forth will just do it over new stuff.

To stop it a better rule would be not allowing people who have a history of going at it, disrupting threads, to interact. Dont let them talk about each other either so no one feels the need to defend themslefs. And give them temp banns if they do.

I dont care for the new rules or the one above. Just saying.

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updated title to reflect BSā€™s agenda as mod

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mmm yeah OK gonna change my vote.


I must have missed some pertinent threads or something because I donā€™t understand all the Victoar hate.


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Still sad this much of the site is ok with banning three or four posters permanently right off the bat and probably far more before the authoritarian no questions asked overlord is finished.

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Wanted to vote but unlike wookies amazing poll skills there is no option for OMG who cares fuck off you ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  So Iā€™m doing a write in for OMG who cares fuck off you ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– 


Or maybe, and bear with me here for a second because I know this is wild, but maybe, a lot of the yes votes are people that agree with him.

Others have explained better than I can. Iā€™m changing from yes to no, though I do appreciate the openness from BS.

I wish we could just magic everyone into acting like adults but apparently that is too hard.

FWIW, I donā€™t think you should be banned or grouped in with the others mentioned.

Iā€™m still on ā€˜yesā€™ for a couple reasons*, but Iā€™d fervently oppose any of the proposed permabans and Iā€™m pretty confident they would not happen or would be undone.

*Iā€™m not suggesting other people should vote one way or the other.

I have changed my vote to no for reasons that others have already articulated

Iā€™ve never called for you to be banned and Iā€™m not doing so now. You can keep believing you are deeply persecuted for being left wing when in fact you are persecuted for a post ratio which is 3/4 insults, one liners, and low content. There are exactly two people who if they became mods I would very likely be gone. You and the other one is obvious.


Ugh. Your fued doesnā€™t need to happen. Iā€™m sure you two (Victor and Clovis) have the potential to understand each other a bit and not agree, but not hate.

Is ā€œfuedā€ a meme here?

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I donā€™t hate victoar and have no intention of starting a long discussion about him.

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I think Microbet should be the only mod

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Resentment from who though? The people I think are ruining the site? I donā€™t think itā€™s possible for me to be any clearer about the fact that I couldnā€™t care less about how they feel about it. All 3 of the posters Iā€™d snap ban have shown absolutely no regard for anyone else so BoredSocialā€™s rule (Do unto others as they would do unto you) is pretty clear about how they should be treated. What can I say I believe in reciprocity.

yeah, hard disagree on Victoar being included in the group that BS included him. I donā€™t see Victoar as a troll at all. Just an often very angry poster.


Heā€™s on the list because his value to toxicity ratio is awful. Same reason for the other two tbh. How and why that ratio sucks I care less about.