Boredsocial for mod: First step, ban [redacted] [UNDRAFTED] and the girl reading this

I just came back to this coup-in-progress.

Since Day One we as a community have consistently advocated and voted for minimal rules, minimal moderation, and most-of-all community moderation. That is, modding via community standards, NOT modding via personal standards. This is the clearest mandate of all mandates ever mandated. (This was the lynchpin of the Cuse-NBZ fiasco.)

Maybe recent events have shifted the community views on this issue to some degree. But having a hot-headed poster in the heat of a controversy ask to be modded so he can perma-ban a bunch of posters he doesnā€™t like is BEYOND CRAZY and should not be accepted. I cannot believe we even got to this point.

In terms of the voting, there are a myriad of issues with this entire process. For one, you can be sure that the posters that BoredSocial listed as being on the chopping block the minute he becomes a mod would vote NO if they knew/cared about the vote. And I donā€™t think getting 51% of the vote, for example, should mean that somebody becomes a mod. A higher threshold is clearly warranted.

Finally, although I am probably coming off as decidedly anti-BoredSocial, that is not my view at all. He is a great contributor to the forum who makes a ton of valuable and informative posts on a wide variety of subjects. Having said that I donā€™t think he should become a mod for all the reasons that he had laid out himself that are diametrically opposed to the core principles of this forum.


Why does Micro, the guy whose ideas about how the forum should be run really originated this mess, have any input on this again? Seriously the guy started the fire, fed it fuel, used an industrial bellows to make it hotterā€¦ and is now telling us that he can stop pumping air on it and if the good posters all quit heā€™s got Young communists there to replace usā€¦ but that apparently we can look forward to them just calling us Chadā€™s and Karenā€™s.

What an inspiring leader lol. Absolutely genius. Iā€™m sure trading me, cuse, jman eventually, skydiver eventually, wichita eventually, and god knows who else for a bunch of kids is going to go great. You guys enjoy that.

So is what is valuable to the site. For me the most valuable posters are the news aggregators some of which for the most part only post a sentence or two. I wont name names because ill leave someone out but the discussion is good, but not what i value the most.


So hereā€™s the thing. You have to choose which posters youā€™re going to keep. You literally canā€™t keep them all. You want to keep those three and itā€™s going to cost you 4-5 very good+ posters.

If you think that banning those three will blow the whole thing up I guess your choices make sense. I happen to think the opposite of that. Iā€™m already very much tapering off how much I post here though. I have other stuff I could be doing and this place is a massive time sink.


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Yeah thatā€™s probably true. I care enough to fix it if someone gives me the power to fix itā€¦ but if nobody is going to fix it and itā€™s going to keep going this way Iā€™ll happily take my ass elsewhere.

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I was told its not them or usā€¦

Where is that gif with the earth and the astronaut.

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There are OTHER OPTIONS?!?!?!

Shit, Iā€™ve been doing it wrong my whole life. Iā€™m always right and let it go on even the slightest pushback


I like BoredSocialā€™s posting, agree with him re: the 3-4 toxic posters and was inclined to vote yes upon opening the thread. But his campaign pitch is super, super Trumpy, meaning accurately identifying a problem but then grossly exaggerating it and going about solving it in grandiose narcissistic ā€œI alone can fix it/bomb the families!ā€ way.

For these reasons, I vote no.


Appropro of nothingā€¦

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just tell me who the good guys are. this is whole very confusing

Iā€™m pretty sure the video above your post answers all your questions



Vote down BS, mod me, and Iā€™ll happily ban those 4 dudes and make unstuck great again.

Iā€™m gonna run on the opposing ticket. We should all just love each other.

In fact, it will be mandatory. You must tell each member of the forum you love them every single day. By threat of Guillotine. I know somebodyā€™s working on a motorized one after they get their stimulus money.

Yeah baby, thatā€™s forum utopia right there.

Canada for mod!

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Reading on I see BS was intentionally sabotaging himself because he really didnā€™t want the jobā€¦ such a Trump move! I switch my vote to Yes as punishment.


if this poll is serious, can some mod put BS post about his intentions as a potential mod in the OP and not buried in the thread?


Donā€™t see how anyone could read this megalomaniac shit and vote yes. But almost half of you are? Whatever.