Boredsocial for mod: First step, ban [redacted] [UNDRAFTED] and the girl reading this

Well, let me add to this that I think requiring community assent is perfectly cromulent. I don’t think the community should be too stingy with it, but if they don’t want someone campaigning to be Stalin, I’m not going to be bitter about voting on the losing side here.


Sorry, I gotta go no because I think there is too much emotion behind this.


Also, we’ve never had a mod vote that wasn’t overwhelmingly yes that I can recall. I don’t think a simple majority should be all it takes for modding somebody.


There are 800+ active members?

That’s fair. I had to take a drive lol. I don’t really want to win… it’d be a bunch of work and I’d feel obligated to actually do it.

Tremendous numbers of active members. Pouring over the border.


This thread needs Sidney Powell.

Well, props for making this post.



Tbh, I voted yes until BS basically said vote no and so I did as asked. I’m going to sigh add something that I know I shouldn’t but the common denominator with people and all this bullshit is the stupefying inability to understand and cope with the first principle of being an adult, which is that sometimes you’re right and you still have to let it go. But the second principle is don’t be a fucking asshole anymore than you have to be.


No if what you want is what I’m offering you should vote yes. I personally will feel a wave of relief if I lose, but I care about this place and the only reason I risked it being a yes is that I think someone has to do it and no one else is stepping up.

Again there comes a point where you just have to raise your hand so that the thing that needs doing gets done. I waited like a year lol.

Just as I was telling @Yuv that I don’t watch teh utoobz, you post one that I’m morally obligated to watch in its entirety.


So, for the nth time, I would love more heavy handed moderation and there’s a lot of not great posters mentioned in this post that I would def like to see more moderation on or something other than the totally run free destroy threads mode that some of them are in.

But on the other hand I think goofyb. and wookie are terrific mods and posters and am confused by how they are so out of line of in what I think/feel. :man_shrugging: I would suspect the reason they aren’t on the heavy handed side is because on 22 before the great schism posters like bahbahmickey would get so savagely dunked on by a zillion regs that they didn’t actually need moderation.


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I would LOVE it if goofy and wookie would feel comfortable enough in the role to just go do the goddamn work without all the navel gazing. They clearly care way more about how they are perceived by this community than I do. I only care about some of you and I make absolutely no pretense about it. The people who wouldn’t like me very much already don’t and they can all get fucked.

The three posters I named are just windmill 360 degree slam dunk bans. Absolutely no thought required it’s like getting it in with AA pre obvious.

Did that happen in the death wish thread people were worried about hurting the sites rep? Guess those people voted no on a mod with a kill list for the same reasoning.

So, a lot of the job is reading the rules, but also, a lot of the job is reading the room. I think goofy and I in particular were feeling frustrated by various actions in The Feud not quite reaching actionable levels based on how we understood them and also that there was little community feedback that the British Isles Clique was in the wrong against their unified front that goofy and I were out of order when doing horrible things to them like asking them to provide evidence or fuck off. Sure, I could have been more genteel, but also they got immense leeway until microbet started taking a harsher line. Since this place is so explicitly anti-authoritarian when it comes to moderation, we kinda want some input on some edge cases. Perhaps we could try seeing where we draw the line now in light of the new information rather than calling for a revolution and an abandonment of the whole system?


They’ve put you all in. Do you call?

Look if you’re saying you’re changing that’s cool. Ban those three and stop with the threads talking about moderator actions and I’ll believe you. That’s really all you have to do to get on much firmer ground and simplify everything for everyone.

It’s not like I don’t remember what you’re capable of as a moderator lol. I’ve been confused af by you and goofy for a while now. Like just do your thing and fuck the haters. The important part of the room is going to slip out the back door while you’re trying to get unreasonable people to be reasonable. It didn’t work the last eight times and it won’t work this time either. Pull the fucking trigger already.

You should be like me and do literally nothing so everyone complains about you, but at least they’re complaining the same thing.

Consistency, friends. Drink up.


I think we’re pretty comfortable moving the line a fair bit, even if we’ll just shamelessly punt to micro for any flareups of The Feud.

But the behavior of goofy and me shouldn’t be that confusing. We had explicitly been operating in fiefdoms, and now we explicitly are not, and as such, we don’t want it to appear like we’re running a fiefdom. So, it’s hard to take a unilateral action without making it look like you’re operating a fiefdom.