About Moderation (old original thread)

Was literally just going to post that. I could never get the mic to work on my end, but I participated in some of the discord chats and just hearing the actual human voices of some posters made me like them more immediately.

Same with watching jmakin’s twitch stream. Once you attach human characteristics to an online presence, you start to see them as a real human instead of just a name.

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Who wants a holiday Discord party?

@j8i3h289dn3x7, @anon38180840, @marty, @Jalfrezi, @fidgetUK

I’m rescinding my strict policing of your posting. This is partly because I don’t want to spend the time to track all of you that closely. But, moreso it’s because I’m hoping you’ll self-moderate. I hope you, and everyone involved in a protracted argument, sees that many other people who have nothing to do with it don’t like it.

I know the list was not perfect and you were not all equally innocent or guilty and I’m lazy for not getting to the root of it all and although I tried to be as fair as I could, I know not everyone sees it that way.

So…for me…back to “please try to be nicer” for the time being.

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Clarification is good. :+1:

One thing the whole forum can probably agree on is that modding here is a nightmare.

Eh, it’s not that bad. And since it’s temporary for me, even less bad. Some people are pissed at me, some people are patting me on the back, whatever. In a year people won’t even remember that I had been a mod.

This is what I wrote in a different thread that I think is a direct response to your question:


I was offering the 2p2 SE FAQ as an example of both a good set of stated rules AND an example of where the rules had worked successfully for a period of many years. People who were moderated by those rules include both 1) high-quality posters who took a brief time-out and thereafter continued to post in a high-quality way, and 2) terrible posters who received a series of escalating time outs until they were ultimately perma’d.

That seems pretty ideal from my perspective.

[Also, this thread was locking me out from replying for way more than 15 minutes after my last post.]


You’re not going to have any problems from me. People thought I was trying to use a threat of leaving to get my way, but that’s not what I was doing at all. I get why they thought that given my track record, but I was 100% serious and still want to be permabanned.

I have a few thoughts and apologies I’ll post later. I’m busy with real life stuff today, but I imagine I’ll be posting that tonight or tomorrow and hopefully moderators will accommodate a permaban at that point in time once I’ve apologized to people who I feel I owe an apology to and shared some final thoughts on what I did wrong, why I did it, what I thought this place could/should be, and what I realized it is/will be.

I knew strict moderation wasn’t going to last because there’s not a strong enough mandate, never has been, and never will be… and I knew how this would play out if I chose to stay. I don’t wish to be subjected to the inevitability of ongoing abuse/trolling, I don’t wish to be involved in the ongoing drama trying to call it out, and thus my choice is simple, clear, and not subject to change.


I hope my reply wasn’t snarky - I don’t think that my original post was clear.

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Sounds like the option we need to try but haven’t been willing to is to put the worst offenders in a Discord chat and let them have at it.

The rest of us do as we have been and put our microphones on mute and just listen. I predict about five minutes before they’ve broken open a pint and punched each other at least twice, but at least they’ll be in a good mood.


I’m up for this as long as no one takes the piss too much out of an English accent. :rofl:

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This is a great idea. Me and 6ix hashed it out on there, and we had some good times even. And we really didn’t like each other at all.


I doubt anyone cares what your reasons are. The majority of us don’t want you to leave. Apologize to those you want to apologize to then drop the whole thing and move on.


I’m only 3 episodes into this season so I am avoiding that thread like the covid-19.



The majority of people here don’t want me to leave but they also want me to tolerate incessant abuse that I’m not willing to tolerate. I have no obligation whatsoever to subject myself to that just because people want to read my regular posts, just like nobody has any obligation to pay attention to or inform themselves of the abuse I’ve been receiving or do anything about it.

I chose to accept that the abuse will never stop, to accept that the community doesn’t care and will never make it stop, and not to subject myself to it. Thus I chose to leave.

I’m not telling you your experience isn’t true for you, but you are wrong here every time you say this as though it’s true for anyone else.

We want you to explore a new way to assert boundaries against bullying and abuse, because your present strategy involves you bullying and abusing the people you’re fighting with. Your present strategy involves bullying and gaslighting the people who love you and support you. Your present strategy causes pain and fear to the rest of us witnessing your actions and the pain they cause to your targets.

No one is telling you to tolerate abuse. Please stop saying this. It is equivalent to gaslighting at this point to keep insisting on it.


I won’t be too crushed if you leave, but that’s only because I really can’t stand extended multi-quote responses.

But that’s really my own issue, I understand that.


Thank you, I tried typing something similar to this but you did a much better job than I could have

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I know you think this is true, but for three weeks I have (again) avoided doing anything to provoke the people intent on fighting me, I’ve flat out ignored a large number of barbs that flew under most people’s radar, and I’ve flagged the ones I thought were most deserving of moderation. I did explore a new way, and even the ones that rose to my level of flagging were overwhelmingly ignored or rejected.

It escalated again, the new way didn’t work so I got involved, and here we are again.

No it’s the reality of the situation. If you don’t believe me, ask jman and jbro. They both noticed it, too, and posted about it. I know most people don’t see the non-stop abuse because it’s subtle and it’s not directed at them, but it’s there.

So it’s this simple:

  1. Pointing out the abuse or flagging it results in nothing being done.

  2. Pushing back on it is unacceptable to the community.

  3. But people don’t want me to leave.

All three are 100% true and there is no way to add that up that doesn’t result in me having a choice to either tolerate abuse that will never end or leave.

Just because people don’t use the words “tolerate the abuse” doesn’t make the suggestion that I stay and let it go on any different. If you want to play semantics and say that they don’t believe there is abuse and don’t want to go see for themselves, that’s fine. The end result for what I need to do doesn’t change regardless.

But I’m not interested in getting into a back and forth about this. You’re 100% sure what you said is true, I’m 100% sure what I said is true, you’re a nice guy who means well who is nice to almost everyone and I really don’t want to argue with you. There’s no point in discussing it beyond that because I have made up my mind.

No, shots had been taken at me in previous days in other threads that I ignored. And this is what happens - shots are taken for weeks/months and when I respond to one, whether against me or jman or someone else, that’s when things blow up and nobody remembers or even notices the continuous one-way abuse in between.

You’re missing the times there are shots taken at me over and over that I ignore that keep it going until I respond to one.

Clearly nobody but a handful of us notices or cares, and that’s fine. Consider me oversensitive, or a liar, or delusional about it. I don’t care. I know what’s going on, I have experienced it personally as have others, and I’ve made my decision on how to proceed in light of how the community feels about it.