Boredsocial for mod: First step, ban [redacted] [UNDRAFTED] and the girl reading this

Hard disagree. Perhaps the most fervent disagree I can imagine. :grin:

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I think you have it backwards. This forum is a sprawling entity at this point. I read the same 5 threads every day and don’t read the other 100. A lot of times I see drama mentioned that I didn’t see and have no idea about. That is because none of us consume the entire forum. The fact you didn’t see it doesn’t mean that there isn’t a problem. It means there isn’t a problem for you yet. There is a very real problem for the few dozen people sifting through it day after day.

When we expect the forum members to police the behavior of the bad actors this is what we end up with. Posters make this place unpleasant for all in their orbit while some significant percentage of posters don’t see it as they participate in different threads. Then when the inevitable post/thread is made about the problem half the forum shows up and says “I don’t see what the big deal is” because they truly didn’t see it. It makes it impossible to ever moderate any behavior except the most egregious. It is also why you see cuse or Caffeine or whoever feel like they have to go so hard on the posters posting misinformation or personal attacks, there is no other solution and why try to get anyone moderated when half the community will shrug if they try. The bad actors know this and make a huge stink any time they are called out for their behavior to try and further dissuade any real moderation from happening.

On the other hand a group of mods should collectively have seen just about every post on the forum and should have the power to make a collective judgment call about what happened. Maybe we should let them try and clean the place up rather than pretending the system (or lack thereof) that we have had to date is working. It clearly isn’t.

I mean, this keeps getting posted like its about them arguing with each other. I recognize I keep getting lumped in with this group and will again point out that I have no interest in continuing to engage that group, and I posted all of once in that last kerfluffle after days of staying out of it only after getting @‘d by a mod. But this isn’t about them arguing with CW, at all. This is about them needling CW through third-party posts just ragging on him and insulting him constantly, even when he has nothing to do with the conversation, or even when he is not speaking with them at all. That’s what drove him absolutely up the wall. They do the same kind of thing to posters like me as well, I just don’t care enough to respond by posting walls of text and asking for self-bans. But that should probably be a thing that is disallowed only because CW is a quality poster, and if it is driving posters like him away (and we know it is based on the responses in this thread), then that is a problem.

Like being president, the members who would be the best mods are smart enough not to take on that job.


I’m not concerned about being modded, but I’ve also been a little bit inconsistent in how much moderation I’ve advocated for. I decided yesterday that I really do not care any more so please don’t take my thoughts into account when deciding how to proceed.


microbet tried that on Monday, it didn’t go well.

I guess I just don’t see making threads unpleasant as a reason for moderation. There are a few people here whose opinions and general presence are unpleasant to me. Other posters likely agree with them and consider them good friends. I’m an adult so I either ignore the person I don’t like and just continue chatting with the people I do, or engage with them and realize that they’re likely going to continue being unpleasant to talk to. The idea that Victor, Jalfrezi, and Churchill shouldn’t be able to chat here with their friends (or enemies) doesn’t even enter the equation for me.


Without reading thread not on board with any mod campaign based on banning people. Who gets banned shouldn’t be an individual decision. If any of those people needed to be banned they would already be banned.

Let’s all rally round our agreement with this!

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I have zero issues with BS, but while he doesn’t seem to think he would be moderator for life, he does seem to believe that “courageously” banning people is the core of the job.

I would argue that is none of the job.

No mods should be banning regular posters except at the direction of the users as a whole.

I realize this group has proven time and time again, agreeing on things is something that rarely goes smoothly, but when it comes to the act of banning regular posters I am cool with that.

If BS wants to acknowledge modding is not about banning people I might reconsider as I agree with Micro that everyone should have the opportunity.

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Not sure why I’m dragged in. I did call out BS maybe 6 months ago but I only post / read Covid thread - the only time I even see Jman or BS posts is in threads like these - I’m probably just another Brit that pisses em off.

This whole modding BS thing seems more like CW trying to exact some sort of revenge via his clique.

I am literally oblivious to it. I didn’t know anything happened.

I will share my advice as perhaps the person with one of the longest, if not longest experiences communicating online (40 years Hollah).

People need to learn to disengage. I disengage so much now sometimes I question myself over it, but it came hard earned over decades and decades. I realized I don’t need to type the last word or that my next point is really going to convince the other guy to change their mind.

State your points, discuss and then recognize a stalemate and disengage.


Hmmm, good question.


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I have a few observations but wan’t sure exactly what @microbet’s proposed mod rules are and who they do and don’t apply to(!), so I dug them up:

commonwealth, @j8i3h289dn3x7, @marty, @jalfrezi, @fidgetUK - you’ve all been mean to each other a lot and have been repeatedly warned. Be nice or get temp bans. That means no outright insults, but also no veiled insults. If you want someone else on this list modded either flag the post or start a thread calling for a perma of the offender and if that’s not merited you’ll find the loss of respect here worse than being temp banned. Do not bring up old fights. If you complain about unfair moderation, do it without even referring to anyone else one this list.

Are these still in force?

I’ve received one temp ban and no warnings like ever… maybe one PM request that I still need to act on but that’s it. Yet I appear in the permaban list.

No. They were recently “rescinded” in the About Moderation thread.

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Lol. I swear I did not see this post before I just posted in the other thread.

eta: Both posts show up at the same x minutes ago mark.

Wake up churchill. The campaign to perma three of us is purely personal and in my case stretches back a year or more to a spat with Jman about something or other that got unpleasant on both sides but that I couldn’t care less about now, let alone remember the details of.

Quite obviously the plan cooked up here is that if/when we are perm’d a certain person who just happens to be Jman and BS’s pal will return to the fold without losing face.

That BS has already offered to remove Victoar from his target list makes it even more obvious lol, and I imagine you’d also get some sort of reduced sentence if it meant them getting their way with a perma for me.

Maybe you’ll get a PM offering you a deal in exchange for your vote?

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You were not on my list and I didn’t temp ban you and I had nothing to do with a permaban list. I know a lot of people have had issue with your posting, but, and no offense, I haven’t really seen it and when I do scroll through the covid thread, it’s been easy to scroll past the arguing.


Good to see Jal is taking all this seriously.

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