About Moderation (old original thread)

I know I have probably been unkind on the whole Pete topic and I will apologize for that. It doesn’t change my opinion of him but if that has seeped over into seeming personal to you that was wrong. I agree we need to respect each other. We won’t be perfect but we should try to have every poster’s default setting be respecting the other posters. Of course we are here to discuss/debate things so conflict is something to be expected. I have to admit I have very rarely felt disrespected here. But when it happened I lashed out and that’s when the trouble started. That made me part of the problem.

Also 15 minutes is a long time. Lol.


I think there is some merit to what you are saying. I’m just trying to make the point that ultimately this place is the sum of all of our behavior. We can blame the trolls, the bad posters or the mods but that doesn’t get to the root of the problem. At the end of the day we can only control ourselves and we give oxygen to some of the very behavior we don’t like by turning every thread into a battleground for personal grudges.

Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.


If somebody wants to turn the other cheek, all the power to them. But we really shouldn’t expect people to, and we especially shouldn’t blame them for the problem when they choose not to.

And I felt the same way about the other “team” and said so when jman stirred shit back up a few weeks ago and somehow managed to be the only one not to catch a ban.


I don’t view you as having any need to apologize to me, but I appreciate the sentiment. You’re one of the nicest people here, and I didn’t realize that you only had mod powers to post sticky’s and such, which means you don’t deserve criticism for the modding overall, and you’ve tried to play a role in improving the situation.

I know I’m contributing to it by engaging when I’m attacked, but if the community isn’t going to step up and mod the repeat attacks, the whole community is contributing in their own way too.

I appreciate that, but I’m not choosing to get poked constantly. I’m choosing to respond to some of it, not even all of it, not even most of it.

I hope so but I don’t think it’s your responsibility to do so, and I think the community overall needs to actually want it to happen for anyone to succeed at making it happen. I don’t think the community cares that much right now.

Thanks, undoxxing myself has made it easier to ignore some of it. But I’ve also just moved some of my political discussion off this site.

I think I’ve acknowledged my part in it several times, referred to myself as an asshole several times, etc. I’ve also dropped it several times and it’s always been picked back up by others. My role in it at this point is pretty limited to responding some of the time I’m attacked.

Thanks, but I think it would be more like 25% for me, 20% for jal, 55% for “WILL YOU ALL STFU NOBODY CARES.”

That 55% is pretty hurtful as the person on the receiving end of the majority of the instigation/abuse. Is that overly sensitive? Sure, you could say that. But it strikes some personal nerves for me and flies in the face of what I thought this place was.

Thank you. I agree that nobody should have to put up with that. It’s a pretty big part of my moral code really, because I was bullied a lot as a kid. The bullying itself sucked, but the lack of other people responding/helping hurt every bit as much. So when I see something in life that I think is out of line, I try to do my best to stand up for people and show them that someone else cares.

Sure, but is that the message we want to send as a community? “Sure, you’re being subjected to some personal abuse here, but we can’t really be bothered to care and nobody ever died from ignoring it.”

Like I get your point, and maybe it’s silly me for thinking Unstuck had a chance to be better than the rest of the Internet, but damn I thought it did for a while there.

Yeah, being expected to by this community has been a pretty eye-opening and hurtful experience. There are some incredibly ironic parallels to our current political situation, and I get that this is a discussion forum and that’s American politics, but the lack of intellectual consistency is astounding.

Which is why I have mostly ignored it, especially in other threads. My approach has been to flag stuff or just quote it and point it out to others, because I know people aren’t paying attention. I’ve added people to my ignore list, but…

Regarding this part, I don’t think I’m the one doing that. If you have an instance of me doing that in a regular thread in the last few weeks (since the last blowup), let me know.

This is the About Moderation thread, there was a discussion about moderation and this community’s views on the c-word, and I shared my views and then received a bunch of personal attacks and fuck offs and I’ve contained it to this thread I think, even as others have spilled it out into others to circumvent the throttling.

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Poor Zikzak doesn’t even pop in here to smh anymore.


You and I, I think are very similar. We feel like we are fighting a righteous cause and sometimes some guerrilla forum tactics are used. We think it’s justified because our underlying position is right. The problem is we create a toxic environment for everyone not in that struggle. They don’t like it. And so even if we are technically right we lose with that crowd also. Even if they know we are right.

Bottom line is you are a great poster getting dragged down by these back and forths. Once you ignore it and it isn’t fun for your tormenters to torment you they will stop. If you are truly an upright and virtuous member you will find you don’t need to fight these squabbles because a) 80% of the fun is the rise they get out of you and b) if you are no longer an aggressor there are lots of people who will point it out for you.


@anon38180840 at al

Ok, the community did ask for more modding. I’ll try it out. If I go too far, sorry, and feel more than free to recall me.

commonwealth, @j8i3h289dn3x7, @marty, @Jalfrezi, @fidgetUK - you’ve all been mean to each other a lot and have been repeatedly warned. Be nice or get temp bans. That means no outright insults, but also no veiled insults. If you want someone else on this list modded either flag the post or start a thread calling for a perma of the offender and if that’s not merited you’ll find the loss of respect here worse than being temp banned. Do not bring up old fights. If you complain about unfair moderation, do it without even referring to anyone else one this list.

How’s that?

We can drop it at least until I fail, right?


I have been an advocate of community modding from the get-go and all that entails (rotating mods, community standards, etc.). This seems like a good time to volunteer. However, full disclosure, I too was a mod on 2p2 and expect that my offer may well be rejected (and I am perfectly fine with that).


Please ban risky for being so sweet that I have to see a dentist


I second @otatop for mod.


Lol at making food and then seeing 65 more new posts about this. How hard is it to act decent or take some time off to cool off? Who would want to mod this shit? It’s COVID and we are all locked up mostly but jfc people.


Thanks @WichitaDM and I agree with a lot of that, but…

This has not been my experience each time I’ve laid off and let them poke, poke, poke, jab, jab, jab. We’ll see, though.

Works for me! Thank you and good luck.


“Be the change you wish to see in the forum.” - Mahatma Conman


I’ll put myself in this category as well so it doesn’t seem like a shot bc it isn’t. You and I can give it back as well as we can take it. I doubt you or I have ever tried not fighting every internet battle with vitriol back. Maybe I am wrong but as I have tried to be a little more diplomatic the vitriol has come back at a much lower pace.


Until now stinky pants!

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I think this is a big part of it. We are all living in some trying times between the virus and crazy leaders. People are angry and coping.

Maybe if everyone got together and trolled MAGA and brexit folk on twitter it would help.


I keep getting @‘d into this thread and keep ignoring it, because no good comes from engaging in my experience, but saw that Micro just @‘d me above so I guess I’ll stick my head in to address one quick falsehood that keeps getting repeated about me, and then I’m out again, because I have absolutely zero desire to participate in this weeks old argument over a 24 hour ban (that I volunteered to take as well!) that keeps getting re-re-re-re-re-litigated.

  1. I was a homicide prosecutor, specializing in child homicides. I did not do narco prosecutions, with a few small exceptions where a narco case would intersect with one of my homicide ones. In my experience shitty work and trial averse prosecutors who didn’t want to do trial work went to narco. That was not me;

  2. The criminal justice system is absolutely stacked against poor people and minorities in general;

  3. The whole “disparity between crack cocaine and powdered cocaine” racist thing (which definitely was racist, no doubt about that), was a federal thing. Had nothing to do with state. There was no difference between powder cocaine and crack cocaine in NY law. But again, had nothing to do with me anyway, i wasn’t a narco prosecutor.

  4. Despite contentions by a certain poster to the contrary, I absolutely did do a “mea culpa” over on 2+2 when I left the work. Here is it is, for those who don’t remember it, November 9, 2016, shortly before I left that career:

And finally, and most importantly, 5: The reason that Jalfrezi hates me, has me on ignore, and spouts these demonstrably false lies about me (again, see above) is because of the COVID thread. Back in January and February I, and a few other were screaming from the fucking rooftops that COVID was a big deal. I was urging everyone to take it really seriously, that it was going to end our lives as we knew it, and that everyone needed to stock up on supplies, masks, etc. Some of my worst predictions did not come true, but there were a handful of posters, jalfezi chief amongst them that mocked me mercilessly in those early days for spreading the alarm. As COVID got worse and it became apparent to all that my alarms were unfortunately largely correct (if not ultimately as bad as I thought it could get), he got angrier and angrier in his arguments before he finally placed me on ignore. There was never any exchange that I can recall where he called me a racist prosecutor and i responded with “fuck you.” That is a lie. I have taken the tack for months now with him that I ignore these comments, because I could honestly care less, however since I keep getting @‘d into this thread, I thought I’d set the record straight one last time, and exit.



Edit: Holy god I can never get quote tags to work properly. Edit Edit: Thanks, no matter how many times you guys show me how to fix the quote tags problem, I forget it like a week later.


Can’t we just make it against the rules for those posters to reply to each other? Escalating bans for every offense


I’ll volunteer to mod, only need about 10 minutes to fix all of this. Let me know.


That’s an excellent post. I think you’ve made your history clear. Your involvement in a system. Your feelings about it now. I don’t think anyone should make their case about how the system is racist or unfair into something personal against you in the future, at least not without recognizing that you recognize that yourself.

But, then the last paragraph. You are bringing up an argument that has been hashed and rehashed a dozen times in that thread.

1 day ban.