About Moderation (old original thread)

I think it’s destroying the forum.


Why not just replace the entire group of mods? I mean who gives a fuck? The Euros will feel better and the current mods won’t have to deal with this shit anymore.


I would vote for 24 hour temp-bans, and if any posters are unable to learn how to avoid them then eventually they’ll leave out of frustration or be perma-banned.

Can someone temp churchill while we’re at it? His dis-info diarrhea is making the Covid thread unreadable.


The system he worked for pushed for harsher sentencing. Maybe he avoided it but it would be unlikely.

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Welp, no more mature way to handle this fact than to outright accuse him of racism out of the blue, then.

Lack of volunteers is one. Not sure why a bunch of disruptive cry babies should get positive reinforcement for their antics is two.

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And he quit. And told us years ago that he quit because he could no longer work for an unjust system. (At least that’s what I recall.) The fact that he’s still being trolled for this is harassment, and some people are lucky that I’m not a mod. Seriously why is his private life even open for discussion when he clearly doesn’t bring it up himself?


So we’re now considering attacks on someone’s argument or style of argument personal attacks? Like I can’t help that his argument line here was essentially “fuck your feelings I won’t change my behavior.” I’m now required to ignore that? It’s now a personal attack to point that out?

I think it’s pretty clear the community has no appetite for permas for anyone involved. I want the behavior to stop, and I don’t really care how it’s accomplished. I want mods to call balls and strikes and act. If you thought comparing his argument to a MAGA style argument was a personal attack and over the line, you should have temp banned me and posted it in the log of moderator actions IMO. If the community agrees, I now know that’s a line and can make my own decisions about how to proceed. If the community is upset, they’ll express it and you’ll know how to proceed.

I think discussing current topics on topic and respectfully should be fine. I think random rehashing of old stuff should be cause for a ban. They won’t agree because they’re the ones that keep bringing old stuff up.

Or just maybe tl;dr means too long, didn’t read?

Your nitpickery is noted. Every single person here familiar with Jman’s career (and boy did he like to boast about it on 22 before the saw the light) knows he quit that job because it finally dawned on him that he was deeply complicit in a deeply racist system of criminal “justice”.

There was even a post here some time ago from one of his pals stating this, and again from jbro recently.

You defending him is yet another example (as if we need one) of why you’re unfit to be a mod here.

So I am totally justified in saying he carried out acts of racism as part of his day job. It’s not like the Nazis were forcing him to be a camp kommandant or else kill his family; he willingly chose as an adult to do a racist system’s dirty work for money (a lot of it), and continued for some years. Well, good for him for stopping of course - but not good for him for the sanctimonious high-horsing he does on the subject of racism since (guilty much?).

Seriously indeed? Jman is one who loves to call out people for “racism” where there is none. Projection, probably. That hypcorisy is why he gets the stick he deserves over his past which he’s never given a mea culpa for. Come on.

Did you read Risky’s post, or was that also so long that you cbf to read it? If that is the case, then any illusion we or the rest of the forum had that you might possibly be doing this in good faith are completely gone.

Let me summarize with small words.

If you or any of the other actors in this feud bring this shit to other more serious threads, I will delete the posts.

Short enough for you?

Firstly, it would be negative reinforcement, not positive.

Secondly, the notion of rotating mods has been on the table since the move happened. If it takes this sort of forum meltdown to produce a change that many thought was going to be standard operating procedure, then so be it.

Thirdly, your behavior in this affair has hardly been beyond reproach. Name calling is petty, adds nothing but hostility, and should be beneath anyone in your role.

And regarding the c-word, the conversation is ridiculous imo, but if you (or anyone) want it banned, then start a poll to see how the forum feels. Otherwise you’re imposing your own set of standards of behavior on the forum, and that is way more problematic to the health of this forum than a debate over linguistics.



Sure, I read Risky’s post because he writes in an engaging manner as one equal to another. Yours, not so much, so it wasn’t read.

I’m reasonably sure that none of the current mod team has any problem with rotating mods. I am here because I was asked and the others believed the mod team needed female representation.

There is a long line of exactly 0 people stepping up to replace us. Unless you’re in favor of conscription, we’re going to need volunteers before it’s even an option.

Please stop speaking to your fellow posters like this.


I said if that is why he quit good on him.

As far as bringing up old dirt. I don’t like to do it once someone acknowledges it but it’s almost inevitable when people are going back and forth.

I’m strongly in favor of rotating. The only concern about rotation seems to be that there won’t be anyone doing the modding. I’ve got to work, but none of this really has an immediate deadline. I will be twisting arms of everyone I consider my friend here to pitch in and do their part.

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I am not arguing whether your claims are objectively right or wrong. Your behavior is having a harmful impact. Please stop or I will explore appropriate boundaries to protect our posters and community from your harmful behaviors.

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The problem here is that this isn’t really about any specific argument or topic. It’s about the fact that three or four people keep randomly bringing up old stuff in the form of personal attacks and randomly trolling the same people across various threads, and sooner or later it blows up, because that’s how the Internet Internets.

Usually nobody cares to go see who started it because that takes too long. So both sides it, rinse and repeat. When a mod does go look and assigns blame, like Wookie and goofy, they’re attacked for being biased.

Like honestly I’m incredibly impressed by jalfrezi and marty’s troll game and ability to work the refs. They’re elite, they’re winning, and IMO they’re going to get everything they want out of this sooner or later. (All new mods who they approve of and running me off.)

No offense, but I don’t believe you. I think you mean it now, but I don’t think you’ll mean it in three weeks when it starts again. I’m old enough to remember last time when there was a community vote for stronger moderation. Next to nothing happened along those lines when this popped back up. The clique is playing all the hits and most of the flags are being ignored.

I’d go past tense. I keep asking myself why the fuck I keep posting on this site. I waste a bunch of time, get drawn into the same stupid shit by the same people poking at me and trolling me, and the community largely doesn’t care who’s doing what they just want people to shut the fuck up. In other words, Unstuck’s message is “Oh they made some attacks and trolled you? I don’t care stop responding nobody gives a fuck what they said to you but bans for all if you keep responding.”

Oh, alright then. Why am I wasting time posting here then?

Unless we let marty, jalfrezi, churchill, and fidget hand pick mods who will give them preferential treatment, those four are going to eventually have an issue with the new mods again. It’s not me and jman, it’s not Wookie and goofyballer, it’s the same clique causing the same problems with a bunch of people.

Aren’t you involved in some project here with boredsocial? Maybe that’s the reason. Or maybe it’s the next project that you’ll be involved with with someone else.

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