About Moderation (old original thread)

I’ve stopped getting excited when I see a thread has 100+ new replies because I know it’s some dumbass back and forth fight about nothing I’m going to have to scroll through to see if anything worthwhile was posted.


What the fuck is happening in here? Jesus Christ.

A lot of you need need hobbies if you really think that constant petty fights are worth this much of your time. Go learn a new language or something. You could even let all of us know if there is a cool equivalent for ■■■■ in Hindi or whatever.

At the very least, can we keep the petty fighting contained to one thread only? It’s embarrassing enough here.

This post is completely fucked and I know it’s completely fucked because I saw the intent of the message before it got edited to something that wouldn’t deserve a hearty “FUCK YOU” in response to it. I’d ask you to delete it but it already got two likes from mods (one prior to the edit, one after), so you win. But to be clear, I think you’re a fucking prick and you’re going on ignore.


You really are a snob.

I mean

This is an incredibly bad post that reeks of a sense of superiority. Would you care to edit it?

Honestly, how has this conversation not been banished to the hidden forum yet?

My thoughts exactly. Instead, I have to spend too much time dealing with this crap.

Here’s where I am:

  1. I, and probably the majority of posters on this site, seriously can’t even remember the original beef everyone had with each other. Like the Hatfields and McCoys, this has gone from a specific complaint to an outright feud, the source of which has been lost to the annals of time and 28574596738 posts.

NO THIS IS NOT AN INVITATION TO REHASH THE ORIGINAL FIGHT! If you do it, I will delete it. That’s not a threat, it’s a promise. It annoys me that I even have to say this.

  1. Like the Hatfield’s and McCoy’s neighbors, every other poster on this forum is now worried about catching a stray bullet when the feud turns hot.

  2. Every single party involved really needs to learn to read a room. Also, read Risky’s post above.

  3. I cannot keep up with every multi-thousand post thread on this forum, but if this keeps spilling out into the more “serious” threads and I do see it, I will become more heavy-handed, with or without flagging.

  4. As for flagging, if you are one of the bystanders to this feud and you see it crop up in threads where I don’t have a presence, feel free to flag the posts or PM me directly.

  5. Yes, I am willing to take one for the team and be the bad cop here if Risky’s approach doesn’t work.


Airing of Grievances can be a productive exercise, especially if well-contained in space and time. Many people desire their grievances to be “heard” and don’t really expect them to be “resolved”. With that as a framework it seems clear that grievances have definitely been heard (often repeatedly) and it is probably time to move on.

Thanks much to RiskyFlush and skydiver8 and everyone else who has posted their thoughts on how best to move forward from where we are both as individuals and as a community.

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Back where I am from, we settled these things with a little game called Survivor.

If you are not familiar, a thread is created with a poll. Two users are in this poll. The loser is voted off the island. The users can make any case they wish for themselves (or against the other) but the community’s choice is final.


But the reality is, when he was in a system which has racism at its core, it’s going to be hard to avoid being a part of that racism.

So asking for evidence a former prosecutor, who was in a inherently racist system, has some responsibility for it seems messed up.

Now maybe that is the reason he quit idk. And if so good on him. But if it was then I think he would agree he bears some of that burden when he was one.

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That was not the claim, though. Jal didn’t merely accuse jman of being having participated in a tainted system. He specifically claimed jman pushed for harsher sentences for Black people based on nothing but his imagination and animus towards jman.


Have nfi who the Hatfields and McCoys are/were. Something Trekkie related?

Please can you ditch the implicit assumption of cultural hegemony and use examples that the whole forum can understand?

Thank you.

And you’ll obviously end up with an island full of Americans. Maybe that’s what people here want. Banning all the Brits has already been suggested in another thread.

Maybe just rename the forum UnstuckUS so we all know where we stand and no one joins without understanding what it’s about.

As a representative of a racist criminal justice system, pushing for harsher sentences than would have been fair, sure. Are you arguing that wasn’t what he had to do in that role? Are you arguing that’s not how the US criminal justice system dispenses “justice” to ethnic minorities?

Stop twisting my words around and start recognising your own biases ffs.

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Can I get a 48 hour self ban please?

Hmm…I don’t see an option for anything between tomorrow and next week or a custom time frame. Tomorrow ok?

eta: Well, I did it for a day. I’m racking up those bans.

I know that you are not an unintelligent person, so I am 99.9% sure you can infer from the context of my post what I am talking about. In that case, this comment is just performative, or searching for meaning that doesn’t exist to try to “gotcha” yet another person.

I refuse to fall for your bait.

I don’t give a flying fuck where you, or anyone else involved in this dispute is from, and you trying to force it on me is disingenuous at best. If you don’t believe me, perhaps that is an indication that you should reexamine your assumptions.

Only tangentially. The Hatfields and McCoys are a famous American rivalry between backwoods hillbilly families. No one could remember what the original beef was but they hated each other for like decades.

Bones was a descendant of the winning family.


Once again people are both sidesing this. Once again they don’t care who started it and are threatening to ban both sides.

Nobody gave a damn when I basically called this starting up again a few days ago with more or less a “here we go again” post when churchill took a random shot at me.

I said nothing else, just pointed it out. I didn’t flag it but that’s basically churchill tip toeing as close as he can to the line of re-doxxing me without quite doing it. But I left it alone other than pointing it out, and shockingly it was a couple days later that more members of the clique took aim out of nowhere.

Then I share my view on the c-word and the line of logic used to defend it, while partially agreeing with Marty on some points and leading off with the agreement in a show of good faith, but when I point out that his line of logic is MAGA-adjacent, the personal attacks and insults start being slung at me by the clique. Then it’s “fuck your feelings” and “go fuck yourself you self aggrandizing arsehole” and “fuck off you ■■■■■■ and jman’s a racist. I flagged some stuff and 75% of the flags were ignored/rejected.

I’m pretty sure the closest I’ve come to a personal attack is pointing out the conservative nature and MAGA-adjacent framing of arguments by some of the pro c-word crowd.

Both sides though!

This is pretty simple IMO. Mods need to call balls and strikes. If it gets both sidesed it’s going to happen every few weeks or months. If you think it’s me, start banning me. If you think it’s them, start banning them. If you think it’s jman, start banning him.

If you don’t care who it is, make a containment thread and ban anybody who references it elsewhere.

If all of that is too complicated either permaban all people involved or accept that this is never going to stop. The half measures are a waste of time. It’s better to have a ref blowing some calls from time to time than never blowing the whistle at all while imploring both sides to stop committing so many penalties.

This. Also…

What if he prosecuted white collar crime? Murder? Internal affairs cases? Nobody knows what he prosecuted. A good prosecutor in internal affairs is doing the lord’s work. A good prosecutor for white collar crime or murder cases has little/nothing to do with the racism inherent in other parts of the system.

We could argue that the injustice elsewhere leads to life situations that precipitate other crime that is then prosecuted without direct racism, but if that’s the case is it immoral to prosecute literally any crime? Like if you’re arguing that any and every prosector is morally liable for racism, you must also be advocating for the abolition of the prosecution of any and all crimes right?

As a member, I don’t really have any problem at all with these arguments. They are easy enough to scroll past. As a mod, well, “his line of logic is MAGA-adjacent” is a very personal attack that I noticed when it happened. It’s almost exactly the same as calling him a racist or bigot or idiot or whatever and I think everyone here knows it.

This is kind of why I’m wondering if marty and jalfrezi want to be banned to show that they are being treated badly. It’s soooooo easy to not say “you’re a lying fucking racist scum” while still saying it.

I don’t really know what the average member here thinks about all of this. Clearly a few people are bothered. Do most people not even notice?

Will temp-bans accomplish anything or just make things worse? If people want temp-bans to start a record so there can be longer and longer bans and are hoping for a permaban, they should just start a thread asking the community to perma someone.

Is there any chance of some kind of negotiated settlement between the warring parties that they would agree never to say anythning to or about the other parties ever again or get perma’d?

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In the interest of not twisting your words, here’s the direct quote for all to see.

I think an independent observer would judge that my paraphrase was fair.

You specifically accused Jman of pushing for severe sentences for Black people. That is not something every prosecutor is guilty of, no. You don’t know how many Black people he prosecuted, if any, and you don’t know if there was any disparity in his sentencing recommendations. That some, even many prosecutors are racist doesn’t mean he was.

I swear to god I JUST fucking said it. My lawnmower is decidedly heavy and is hard to lift, but it is now orbiting the goddamned sun.

If Micro didn’t reply to you directly, I would delete your post, because I like to keep my promises.


Oh don’t worry, I will.
