Boredsocial for mod: First step, ban [redacted] [UNDRAFTED] and the girl reading this

I think it was good when you look beyond the first level. Offering him up for mod is not the same thing as making him mod.

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Jal will no doubt articulate this better than me (please) but the covid thread usually goes a little like this:-

Churchill posts hot off the press covid story from a country’s Broadcasting Service that reports on reports to British Government
Enter one of 5 posters: That cannot be, do you have peer approved reports of this finding announced 3 mins ago.
Churchill: Not yet, just scientists advising Government but the indicators are blah
Posters - Disinformation being spread

The exchange with wookie in Covid over the last hour is typical - however this time some better posters than I were in thread too

One things for sure - the covid thread is half-dead, full of conjecture until I pop in with a BBC article, then there’s actually a little debate on ‘more than likely’ findings, no matter how early they are - no at least it creates some debate and maybe gives the US readers some insight (I thought)

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Let’s try asking him to be nice a few more times, see how that turns out.

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If someone explicitly asks to be a mod, I think it’s completely appropriate to make a thread like this to discuss it. That’s exactly what micro did:

Based on this thread, I can imagine the uproar if poster XYZ asked to be a mod and was simply ignored with no further discussion.



Actually, yes, let’s try asking him nicely a few more times instead of trying to egg him on.


I mean…what do you expect me to post about in this thread, apart from the subject of this thread?

Be reasonable.

We can talk about cricket if you don’t mind a derail.

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Icon does not match gif. That canine is an impostor!

I didn’t read enough of it to comment to be honest.

I did get the impression at one point that the scientific opinion of the UK government’s scientists was being hand waved away because “there’s no proof” which seemed a ridiculous complaint when you’re dealing with data, statistics and probability, and this did look a bit like a wgaf moment.


This is my last post to you but one might assume you guys would have the self awareness to realize you have been some part of large forum disruption for weeks that has resulted in you all being banned several times. One might think “hmm maybe when I come back I’ll post in the other threads and lay off the mods one for a bit” as a show you can play nice. Instead, you make a beeline here again.

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Stop asking for people to be banned BS. Kind of moved you into my list as the only one I want to see banned atm.

You keep claiming they are all slam dunks, and that is wrongly stupid.


Problem with being a mod/admin is that a proper one is supposed to be uninvolved in forum discussion. Their job is to solely enforce rules. By participating, one gets biased against one group and for another. It compromises that person’s ability to perform their sole job.

It’s why being one is so thankless. You don’t get to participate in the discussion and everybody hates you no matter how you do your job. That and you don’t get paid.

Because nobody here meets the qualifications for being a suitable mod, this drama will never end and will exist so long as Unstuck does. In order to continue to function, we have to accept this drama as a part of participating here. Either that or shut the whole thing down.


Are you suggesting that I should not post in a thread that has my name in the title?


Yeah, if you edit his post it’s a lot less objectionable.

Keep catering to him, I’m sure he’ll do better from here on out.

Maybe if you and @clovis8 stop these attacks it would help? Have you considered that?


Like this poke is as bad as any of the other objectionable posts imo. You, Trolly, won’t let this go. It’s not surprising that fires won’t go out if people are doing their little part to stoke them on from the outside.


Maybe if you didn’t keep poking at CS and Jman for months, this entire blow up could have been avoided. Have you considered that?

I accept responsibility for the part I played and aim to do better in future (mainly by swerving the politics threads), but do you really think I’m solely responsible for that?

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Also true. Posting begets more posting and that’s not always a good thing. Even “cool off” too many times is provocative. I’ll be off to the real world myself in a few minutes.