Boredsocial for mod: First step, ban [redacted] [UNDRAFTED] and the girl reading this

Not solely. But a large part, yes. I noticed quite a few instances of you taking unprovoked shots that were ignored before this entire thing blew up again. But it looks like you “won”, so congrats.

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I think this was less conspiracying and more a continued dig at your previous career.

I haven’t “won” a damned thing. I’ve got every centrist/rightist on the forum on my back now.

And I’m going to have to take Jman off ignore so I can flag any more threads he creates to attack me as he did with some trolling pictures I’m told he posted. Didn’t mention that, did you?

So it’s lose/lose for me.

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Like, this is just a flat-out lie.

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Lol, I didn’t even notice that. He just can’t help himself.

What a viscous attack by me!

Also, I accidentally called it I guess.

I continue to be ignorant of all the drama but we’re any of them adults?

I don’t know how people who have been in the midst of whatever “this” is see things but I can assure fresh eyes are intimating a ton of childishness all around.

People here should not just be responsible for the words they type but also how they react to the words others type.


He said he did not care about the rules or explanations and he was going to do it regardless and people who do not like it can fuck off.


Link to post?

I could direct you to the relevant posts(s) so you can decide if my impression was right or not if I could be arsed to do you a favour, which unsurprisingly in the light of your recent posts I can’t, but I’m sure you can find them.

That’s an interesting misreading of why I’ve taken him off ignore.

I’m just asking because I can’t find any threads created by jman recently.

guys, if I can go quasi Zen garden, it can be had!


I suspect some who would support those type of moderations were oblivious to any of this happening.

From reading this thread, I am not close to the only one who has no insight into the recent drama.

I don’t wish the burden of moderating this place on anyone, to be honest. It has a fairly unique oversight. There is no financial interest or buck stops here singular interest.

I doubt that most people would be ecstatic about that sort of thing going on, but it’s in the past and I’m only interested in flagging future occurrences, as my post made clear (or I thought had made clear).

I would like to see this thread that jman created since I can’t find any threads created by him since 11/28.

Anyone here can skim through the past few pages of the COVID thread and see if you’re full of shit or not, they don’t need either of us the cherry pick posts.

This kind of stuff always happened on 2p2. Noting new under the sun.

Exactly. For a long time I was happy and amazed how little it happened here tbh.


Peace for our time.