
Become his best buddy?

Nothing constructive has happened in the last 15 minutes or so. Time to take a break

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Iā€™ll be honest I have no unearthly clue whatā€™s actually happening with avatars and the backstories. What I do know is that Otatops intentions were good. We donā€™t always know if the consequences of our actions will match our intentions which is what I think happened here. Mods are not going to bat 100. Maybe we can just stick with a solid ā€œoopsā€ and move on?


This is wrong, as it was me, Mr Wookie & Goofy who were 1st picked as Mods.

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I did add to our PM exchange, requesting the removal of the war criminal avatar (c. 7 days ago) so a complaint / request was made - I did delete the message though, as I didnā€™t receive a response within c. 24 hrs (I think mods can recall deleted messages if you didnā€™t happen to see it at the time)

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Owning the libs is the only thing you and your friends stand for.

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I see the deleted message but I donā€™t believe I ever read the actual one. Apologies for missing it.


More lies from you.

  1. There were mods here and the previous place from the start.

  2. The initial bullying if you remember (which you should as you were one of the main bullies) was when cuse, you and a couple of others got stuck in in an event that cuse later admitted was fabricated (would you like me to post his admission for you?). He got punched in the face a couple of times later ( as bullies should) and famously left in tears (as bullies do).

I am there, thanks, as people who post on 2+2 are also here in their shitlib Trump 24 magnet paradise.

Develop a coherent political philosophy and values that challenge the status quo instead of reinforcing it, and you might find you donā€™t get owned on a forum that ostensibly welcomes leftists (lol).

Lies. I had the Tony Blair avatar long before the current drama. Fidget I believe asked me to remove it because it offended him, again way back when, so I did to try to maintain the peace (didnā€™t do much good, you guys are good at what you do). When all you Captains decided to adopt trolling avatars en masse I felt it was no longer necessary for me to keep my end of that agreement and I changed it back. This was the case especially given the fact that Fidget admitted in the famous PM thread that his ā€œGhandi routine was all an act and he was just doing it to troll. Also, I am not the one who reported your latest trolling avatar to a moderator.

  1. The mods were only around to clean up spam and delete obvious shit. They only started actively policing threads directly because of you.

  2. Spending 75%+ of your time emotionally and viciously attacking what should be your biggest allies does not challenge the status quo, it only helps to reinforce it.


Thatā€™s 100% false, as I was a Mod at the time and actively policed threads, hiding & editing posts which were abusive or just plain out or order.

Not one of the centre/centre right/left posters here said 1 word about Skydivers obvious Berniebros trolling, did you also post the word Berniebros at the left here?

And the constant ā€œYou must vote Bidenā€ BS.

Stop lying Alex, please.


How about if Jal and Jman mutually agree to ignore each other and stop rehashing this old drama for the sake of this forum? Cause Iā€™m pretty sure the overwhelming majority of this forum is absolutely sick of this preschool shit.


Man I remember when you pretended for a while to be an unbiased observer who just wanted the forum to be happy and get along, before insta jumping in with your UK bros. Fun times.

The amount of hate libs get here compared to the amount of hate leftists get is like a 10:1 ratio.

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I have no problem with this. Iā€™d rather frezi shut the fuck up and not respond to any of my posts ever again. Iā€™ll go ahead and do the same to his. At this point I only tend to post here anyway when he or Jbro are on one of their regular one week timeouts, so Iā€™ll probably peace out for a bit anyway until the next time one of them eats a ban.

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The fact weā€™re allowing an obvious troll from jalfrezi to result in all of this is a problem. If you want to squash the drama, which I think the majority of us want, the avatar goes and jal et al shuts up about it. This isnā€™t some complicated issue. This is an obvious troll attempt that was stopped. Thatā€™s all it should be.

No, they can always walk away and never come back like some many good-quality regs have.

Jmanā€™s agreed to ignore your posts and let this drama end. Are you willing to do the same?


Sure. Or when you havenā€™t self-immolated and asked for a permaban because youā€™ve had a row with d2_e4. Rinse, repeat.

If you wonā€™t post any more factually incorrect BS Iā€™m happy not to argue with you.


I donā€™t have any PMā€™s complaining about my modding, no-one has ever brought up a decision that I didnā€™t openly discuss and change when the forum agreed on a resolution, I had 1 mistake that was seen as being stupid and plain wrong and it was changed straight away as I did not see the joke in the post & admitted it within the hour and rectified it immediately.

No-one ever accused me of being biased, simply because all decisions I took were posted in the Moderation thread and discussed by the community in which I 100% took there view, i.e a community run forum modded by forum consent.

Of course the ā€œFuck offā€ or the plain just fuck off posts were edited straight away and I always edited the Cuse words out and put it in writing on the post, non of the wait till its reported before hiding, straight to the edit function. Was that my decision to do, probably not, should I have, well no one complained.

Can you point me towards by biases? Thanks in advance. :v:




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