Afghanistan Wars: The Taliban Strikes Back.

I heard that Hillary is personally paying for flights too. She isn’t charging.

Incredible how they worded this poll and still couldn’t get a majority of Americans to say yes. The times they are a changing. At least until the next terrorist attack.


Seems like work but ok, James.

They’re all in.

Biden taking one for the team in a way I don’t think I’ve seen since I started following politics.


It’s wrong to just blame the Afghan Army, instead you should blame 3 major things. First two things relate to why the Afghan Army cannot stand on its own after 20 years of support …. hmm, maybe that is related to the 3rd major thing, the senior leadership of the Afghan Army is corrupt. Which is fine…. not a moral failing to just take the $$$$ and laugh at the US, not surprising at all it happened…. but give me a break.

Seeing how easily the media manipulated people into going from 90% supporting with drawling to Biden dropping 10 approval points makes me lose all hope this country will ever change. People are clapping seals and the media can make up peoples minds for them.


You have to be fucking kidding me with this. Is this some sort of sick joke. Not The Onion.

I’ve lost all respect for the Economist.


They’ve had some good pieces on this as well, for example I recommend reading this one, although its conclusions aren’t exactly Earth-shattering:

According to Bob Woodward’s book “State of Denial”, about the Bush White House circa the Iraq War:

In September 2005, Mr. Woodward writes, W.’s head speechwriter, Mike Gerson, visited Mr. Kissinger and received a lecture declaring that the only exit strategy for Iraq was victory and a copy of the diplomat’s “salted peanut memo” from 1969, warning against resisting pressure to withdraw troops from Vietnam: “Withdrawal of U.S. troops will become like salted peanuts to the American public; the more U.S. troops come home, the more will be demanded.”

Not only not admitting that his 1969 advice was wrong but re-using it as justification to “stay the course” on yet another doomed imperial misadventure, and now we get to hear his thoughts on Afghanistan which are, surprise surprise, permanent occupation. Thanks Henry. I’m going to drink champagne the night this lizard finally fucking dies. I’m going to quote this post and have a nice bottle of Veuve Cliquot.


No PDEs, I take it. personal joke, sorry

The made for TV movie about that baby is gonna be lit.


It’s a bit of a reach.

I’ll show myself out.


News saying suicide bombers have hit Kabul airport and there have been a couple explosions.

This shit show is going to explode now.

The media is going to breathlessly report about how there have been 0 casualties in 20 years in Afghanistan until these suicide bombings today because of the weak policies of noted terrorist sympathizer Joseph Robinette Biden Jr.


Probably some intern who did it.

The media really is the biggest hurdle in the country. I don’t see how progressives can win when we have to overcome this shit

I guess it’s time for conservatives to start pretending to care about the lives of Afghani civilians again. Nice of them to conveniently ignore that concern for the past 20 years of war.

And not just Republican conservatives, because most Dems (and most of the media themselves) probably fit within this category.

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Morning Joe Scarborough said right out loud during his interview with Ben’s Ass this morning that he wanted to permanently keep Bagram Air Base (and laughs at people who use the phrase “forever wars”).

Im permanently done with that crew and Rachel fking Maddow too, fk her and fk msnbc for re signing her.


progressives (and politicians in general) are going to need to be a lot more open and communicative about what they are doing now. not twitter threads, but probably youtube etc. you can see a lot of this in europe where state tv is limiting opposition access, and people like navalny start their own channels/investigations/interviews/podcasts, which are then leaking through to MSM for the big topics.

people like ted cruz are already doing it with relatively big budgets, but they can do it on the cheap too.

eta: reply was to stim. forum interface got me.