Afghanistan Wars: The Taliban Strikes Back.

Beard is fine, he just needs a looser shirt so’s his nips aren’t on full display.

did he go to OSU for anything, or is he just plain pandering? he’s a yale grad, no?

oh yeah, looks like OSU undergrad, then Yale law-l school

For me that’s the most relatable part of his personal story.

Haha, the Tiger Mom makes a guest appearance in his origin story:

After graduating from Ohio State, Vance received a Juris Doctor from Yale Law School. During his first year at Yale Law, his mentor and professor Amy Chua convinced him to write his memoir.[19]

Carnage coming to a foreign country after US and UK troops withdraw and in the dedicated thread UP is discussing man boobs.

To be fair, they’re very prominently-displayed man boobs.


What the US needs is a modern civil war of its own.

So Biden ends a massively unpopular forever war, gets 70,000 and counting out safely, zero Americans killed and his approval rating goes down 10 points. Nice.


it’s early in his term, and the dip is likely not just about afghanistan. quite frankly, it’s sort of smart of him to get this touchy issue out in the first year. noone is going to bat an eye at taliban’s public executions in 2024.

taliban are heading towards iran/north korea status pretty quickly. the refugees/diaspora will get entrenched in the west (including politics), the west will issue sanctions, try to starve their gov’t. meanwhile china/iran are going to build a pipeline through it, extract a bunch of lithium, and leave mass graves.

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He’s anti-mandate, right?

Doubling down.

Had a long conversation with a younger co-worker who I provide advice to/talk strategy with for their larger files. I did mostly listening today.

She’s a 1st gen American where her entire family is from Afghanistan. Her sister, who was also born here, teaches law there, hasn’t left yet, and is unlikely to leave. Co-worker has been on leave for the past couple of weeks organizing, writing visas, making calls, writing letters to anyone that will care. She described it to me as an absolute shitshow.

It was also really heartbreaking listening to her get emotional about the other shit she’s had to deal with from dumb racist assholes here. While she’s encountered racism in the past, she let me know that she hasn’t felt it up to this level since immediately after 9/11.

I obviously couldn’t offer much of, if any, advice but lend an empathetic ear. It’s a bad situation that’s likely to get much worse. I don’t have anything productive to add. Just needed to compose something to get my thoughts in line about it all.


This has been my take, arrived at without going to Kabul to get in the way of people with better things to do.

The congressmen added: “After talking with commanders on the ground and seeing the situation here, it is obvious that because we started the evacuation so late, that no matter what we do, we won’t get everyone out on time, even by September 11. Sadly and frustratingly, getting our people out depends on maintaining the current, bizarre relationship with the Taliban.”


Quoted for posterity.

Don’t know if it’s an algorithm thing but all the replies I see are “you’re a fucking idiot shut up” which is really great to see. These media people are just so cut off from reality it’s insane. It seems no one in either MIC (military or media) can accept that america lost the war. When you lose a war you generally don’t get to dictate all that many things.

Lol at this guy trying to serve his racism up with stats from Pew. No one wants that fancy ass racism nerd, give them the hard stuff.


lol JD is such a piece of shit.

America charging Americans for evacuation flights, boo!

Eric Price charging Americans for evacuation flights , capitalism baby!

Erik Prince, the American defense contractor, said he is offering people seats on a chartered plane out of Kabul for $6,500 per person. U.S. and NATO forces are sending special rescue teams into Taliban-controlled areas of the city to spirit their citizens into the airport. And countless Afghans who thought the U.S. would protect them after having assisted the U.S.-led coalition forces in the past two decades are now realizing that they will most likely be left behind to face Taliban wrath alone.