Afghanistan Wars: The Taliban Strikes Back.

The UK bigots are more concerned about Mrs Farlings Cats and Dogs atm, and as the explosions happened earlier some taliban decided to shoot up her car, the PM’s wife won’t be happy about that as it was she who arranged for the pets safe return.

Cabinet meeting possibly ongoing atm.

Edit: To be fair to penny, a lot of the callers on the radio last night said that the pets should come home before any Afghan civilians.


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Some actual truth telling on Afghanistan on TV from … James Carville? I did not expect him to be one with a decent take on the subject.


Reports now saying 4 US Marines killed in the bombing. In before 10 years of performative Kabul congressional hearings…

Jesus waaf



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Very coordinated response from the GOP so far. After days of tearing into Biden, the first tweets I’m seeing from the likes of Gym, Stefanik, etc., are “tots and pears” type stuff. Probably aligned on when they will start the Benghazi tweets.

Republicans were going to win anyways but I think this will care ty to a curb stomp in 2022. People who said this is a none issue are wrong

Nah, they’ll win on the back of CRITICAL RACE THEORY and masking/vaccines. I’m sure they’ll try to pound this too but I really don’t see it moving the needle much compared to those other two.

Probably just wishful thinking but maybe this is a good time for Biden to do whatever’s necessary to reassert complete control of that airport and safely evacuate all Americans and whoever else wants to leave. Fuck the deadline. Anything less at this point will be seen as a shameful tail-between-the-legs retreat.

Their basic strategy is to have multiple misinformation campaigns going at the same time. The more they have going the better it is for them. Conservatives are winning messaging by hurling so much bullshit at the wall that normal people don’t have time to sort through all the debunking, and are left with just vague impressions.


Biden’s probably being urged to do something like that but it’s pretty late to be trying it. Complete control of the airport means controlling the space around it. That might mean fighting the Taliban, who clearly don’t want any more Afghans leaving. It wouldn’t be surprising if it was the Taliban or a faction responsible for this attack.

Yeah the obvious pushback to R nonsense here is 2400 soldiers died in Afghanistan but you’re freaking out about 4 on the way out the door.



I mean it dropped bidens approval 10 freaking points. What matters is whatever the media tells people matters apparently

Really? I thought it was presumed ISIS and the Taliban would be just about as pissed as we are. They won, they just need to keep up appearances for a few more days and then they can do whatever they want. I don’t see how dead Marines at this point fits their agenda.

ISIS-K are the ones who were reported to be planning attacks and likely executed them. They’re supposed to be mortal enemies of the Taliban. I’m just not sure what the Taliban do if their interests align here. Why not let them do this and take the blame too? ISIS-K dgaf.

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Trump was right. We should have bombed the airport back into the stone age and then evacuated.

Ugh, original estimate was low, cnn now reporting 12 dead service members and 15 wounded

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Up to 12 now, which sucks because that’s a pretty rare event. Probably unavoidable unless you planned on the ANA folding immediately and pulled all their US civilian support sooner, but then you take the blame for their inevitable failure. Still, the withdrawal has been chaotic. The last week of mass evacuations without US casualties was great but hastily thrown together and required some luck and compliance by the Taliban. Biden’s going to have to accept some blame and after we lose either/both chambers of Congress next year the investigations will find enough mistakes to make some super juicy 2024 attack ads.